Murray and Lower Darling Valleys Annual Environmental Watering Plan 2014-2015
The Murray and Lower Darling Valleys Annual Environmental Watering Plan 2014–15 outlines the objectives and potential actions for environmental water delivery in the NSW Murray and Lower Darling valleys for the 2014-15 water year.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 1.27 MB / Pages 46
Name: murray-lower-darling-annual-environmental-watering-plan-2014-15.pdf
This watering plan was developed by the Office of Environment and Heritage, based on advice from the Murray Lower Darling Environmental Water Advisory Group.
The Murray Lower Darling Environmental Watering Advisory Group considered the condition of wetlands, water availability and climate forecasts and has recommended that the focus for environmental water delivery in 2014–15 should be to maintain basic functions and resilience of wetlands and building on the positive environmental outcomes of the recent years.