A NSW Government website

Asterolasia buxifolia (a shrub) - endangered species listing

01 Nov 2002

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the shrub Asterolasia buxifolia Benth. as an ENDANGERED species in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Act. Listing of endangered species is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.

This final determination has been superseded by the August 2024 determination for Asterolasia buxifolia.

NSW Scientific Committee - final determination

The Scientific Committee has found that:

1. Asterolasia buxifolia Benth. (family Rutaceae) was recently re-discovered (2000) in the Lithgow area by Bob Makinson of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney.

2. Asterolasia buxifoliais described in the revised edition of Harden, G.J. (2002)  Flora of NSW Volume 2 pp 312 -313. University of NSW Press, Kensington, as a: Shrub to 1m high; stems stellate-hairy. Leaves obovate, 0.5-1.8 cm long, 3-10 mm wide, apex rounded or slightly emarginate; lamina leathery, margins slightly recurved, upper surface glabrous; lower surface stellate-hairy; petiole 2-7 mm long. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicels 1-1.5 mm long. Petals elliptic, 6-7 mm long, yellow; outer surface with indumentum of sessile stellate hairs. Cocci glabrous, beaked. Flowering time not known.

3. Asterolasia buxifolia is currently only known from one location. The known location does not occur in a formal conservation reserve. The species occurs in the riparian zone, mostly within 20m of a river. The population size is estimated to be in the order of 50-100 plants.

4. Possible threats to Asterolasia buxifolia include weeds and alterations to water flow regimes.  The species is also threatened due to a small population size and possible stochastic events.

In view of the above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Asterolasia buxifolia Benth. is likely to become extinct in nature in New South Wales unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.

Proposed Gazettal date: 01/11/02
Exhibition period: 01/11/02 - 05/12/02

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