A NSW Government website

Tweed Byron Hinterland Trails: update June 2023

A summary of public feedback received during the exhibition period for the Tweed Byron Hinterland Walk draft master plan is now available. This multi-day walk now also has a new name.


Summary of public exhibition feedback

The public exhibition period for the draft master plan was from 27 October to 23 December 2022.

Over 430 people were notified about the public exhibition and 62 submissions were received from a range of stakeholders, including individuals, residents, business operators, local councils, bushwalking groups and other park visitors.

For the full summary of feedback received during the public consultation period, go to our Submissions summary publication webpage.

Walk’s new name respects Country

‘Gidjuum Gulganyi Walk’ is the new name for the Tweed Byron Hinterland Walk, as defined in the draft master plan that was publicly exhibited.

‘Gidjuum Gulganyi’ means ‘Old People’s Track’ and was jointly chosen as the walk’s new name by the Widjabul Wia-bal Native Title Holders and the Wollumbin Consultative Group.

The new name, Gidjuum Gulganyi Walk, reflects the fact that it passes through the ancient traditional lands that Widjabul Wia-bal and Minjungbal People have traversed and occupied for many thousands of years.

The Tweed Byron Hinterland Walk draft master plan illustrates the proposed walk that was carefully designed to ensure the natural and cultural values of the parks, including threatened species, ecological communities, and Aboriginal cultural and historic heritage, are protected and conserved.

Extensive consultation and fieldwork with a range of interested groups, including the Widjabul Wia-bal Native Title Claimants, the Wollumbin Consultative Group and Tweed Byron Local Aboriginal Land Council – prior to the draft master plan’s public exhibition – resulted in adjustments to the route alignment to avoid areas of exceptional environmental and cultural significance.

Next steps

NPWS has worked through feedback received in public submissions and is producing a final master plan.

A forthcoming 'Gidjuum Gulganyi Walk master plan' will be the final version that guides construction work based on feedback received in public submissions, any additional environmental and cultural assessments and/or local design issues.

Project updates will be published on the Tweed Byron Hinterland Trails project webpage and our registered stakeholders will be notified of these updates via email.

Contact us

NPWS North Coast Branch

Email: [email protected]