A NSW Government website

The Grazing Factor and the Maintenance of Catchment Values in the Australian Alps

The major problems associated with summer grazing in the Australian Alps are analysed in relation to catchment values.
Publisher: A. B. Costin
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 4.02 MB / Pages 0
Name: grazing-factor-maintenance-catchment-values-australian-alps-1958.pdf
Tags: Land and soilPublication

It is concluded that present-day grazing is not compatible with the preservation and improvement of catchment values. The possibilities for making it so are limited to a small fraction of snow country mainly below about 4500ft. Here grazing by cattle would in general be preferable to grazing by sheep. The problem of finding alternative summer grazing for the livestock using the snow country could be solved by better utilization of underdeveloped freehold land.