A NSW Government website

Guidelines for Preparing a Review of Environmental Factors

How to assess the environmental impacts of activities within NSW national parks

As part of its environmental responsibilities, the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service assesses the impacts of activities in national parks and its reserves.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922767-40-0 / ID: EES20220069
File: PDF 786.02 KB / Pages 83
Name: guidelines-for-preparing-a-review-of-environmental-factors-220069.pdf
Tags: GuidePark management

The Guidelines have been prepared for anyone proposing to undertake an activity within lands reserved or acquired under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

These guidelines provide specific guidance for the completion of the standard template for preparing a Review of Environmental Factors (DOCX 272KB).

For minor works associated with telecommunication installations, a simpler Review of Environmental Factors for minor telecommunication works template (DOCX 197KB) is available.