A NSW Government website

Discaria nitida (a shrub) - vulnerable species listing

17 Nov 2000

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the shrub Discaria nitida Tortosa as a VULNERABLE SPECIES on Schedule 2 of the Act, and thereby amend Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Act by omitting reference to this species as an Endangered Species. Listing of Vulnerable Species is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.

NSW Scientific Committee - final determination

The Scientific Committee has found that:

1. Discaria nitida Tortosa was first described in 1977 in Hickenia, boletin del Darwinion Volume 1: 109-111.

2. Discaria nitida (Rhamnaceae) has been described in Harden (1990) as: a shrub 2-5 m high, spiny, leaves not falling early. Spines 8-18 mm long, green, stems usually reddish brown. Leaves 10-25 mm long, usually entire; stipules 0.6-1.2 mm long. Flowers c. 3 mm diam., clustered, up to 10 at some nodes; pedicels 5-10 mm long. Capsule 4-5 mm diam., pedicels 10-15 mm long; few fruits develop at each node. In rocky situations, usually along streams in sand or gravel, sometimes on limestone.

3. The species is restricted to riparian habitats in the Snowy Mountains in the Southern Tablelands botanical subdivision of New South Wales. It is currently known to exist at 18 sites. Thirteen of these sites are reserved in Kosciuszko National Park whilst part of a further three are reserved. Two locations are unreserved.

4. Total population size is unknown. Extent of occurrence of the species however, is known to be restricted. The recent discovery of the species at a few relatively secure locations warrants a change of status from Endangered to Vulnerable.

5. The main threats to Discaria nitida are weed infestation and grazing.

6. In view of 3, 4 and 5 above, the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the species is likely to become endangered unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.

Proposed Gazettal date: 17/11/00


Harden, G.J. (1990): Flora of NSW, Volume 1. Royal Botanic Gardens. Sydney.

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