Ongoing Operation of North Head Quarantine Station: review of environmental factors
This review of environmental factors has been prepared to support the ongoing operation of the North Head Quarantine Station, Manly, for cultural tourism purposes.
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 2.06 MB / Pages 97
Name: sydney-harbour-national-park-q-station-ongoing-operations-ref.pdf
The purpose of the review of environmental factors is to describe the proposal, to document the likely impacts of the proposal on the environment and to detail protective measures to be implemented to mitigate impacts.
Supporting documents
- Q Station ongoing operations – Flora and fauna assessment (PDF 5.3MB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Species impact assessment (PDF 15.3MB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Site travel and access plan (PDF 970KB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Heritage impact statement (PDF 7.3MB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Noise impact assessment (PDF 1.9MB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Aboriginal heritage due diligence assessment (PDF 2.5MB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Ecologically Sustainable Development Statement (PDF 769KB)
- Q Station ongoing operations – Bushfire report (PDF 655KB)
For further information, visit the North Head Quarantine Station – review of environmental factors for ongoing operations page.