A NSW Government website

Budderoo National Park, Macquarie Pass National Park, Barren Grounds Nature Reserve and Robertson Nature Reserve Amendments to the 1998 Plan of Management

A plan of management for Budderoo National Park, Macquarie Pass National Park, Barren Grounds Nature Reserve and Robertson Nature Reserve was adopted in 1998.These amendments arose from the addition of former crown land in the Carrington Falls area to Budderoo National Park and the reassessment of an action with regard to Clover Hill and Glenview Roads in Macquarie Pass National Park.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-6409 / ID: DEC20040301
File: PDF 48.8 KB / Pages 10
Name: budderoo-macquarie-pass-barren-grounds-robertson-amendments-040301.pdf
Tags: Plan of management amendmentFinal

This amendment should be read in conjunction with the Budderoo National Park, Macquarie Pass National Park, Barren Grounds Nature Reserve and Robertson Nature Reserve Plan of Management (1998)

Photo: Minnamurra Falls, Budderoo National Park. Credit: D Finnegan /OEH