A NSW Government website

Declaration of critical habitat for the Endangered population of little penguins at Manly

Find out where in Manly is an Area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value and what this means.
Publisher: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-9130
File: PDF 1.06 MB / Pages 22
Name: little-penguins-manly-population-declaration-of-critical-habitat.pdf
Tags: Threatened speciesBiodiversity

An Area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value (previously known as Critical Habitat) is a place of irreplaceable biodiversity that is important to the whole of New South Wales, Australia, or globally. The declaration of an Area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value allows for stricter controls to be implemented to protect the natural features of the area. This includes restricting development and increased penalties for non-compliance such as bringing a domestic pet into the area.

The little penguin population in Manly is the only Mainland colony in New South Wales. Being in Sydney Harbour, it is subject to a range of threats other colonies might not face such as foxes, pets, human interference and boats.

Find out more about the little penguin population in Manly.