Floodplain management grants are awarded each year.
Funding for these projects came from the NSW Government Floodplain Management Program.
The Floodplain Management Program funded 35 projects totalling $6,818,477.
Grant recipient/local government area | Project name |
Armidale Regional Council | Flood early warning system Guyra flood study |
Ballina Shire Council | Ballina Island and West Ballina – local stormwater drainage management study and plan |
Blacktown City Council | Wianamatta South Creek catchment flood study review |
Cabonne Council | Eugowra floodplain risk management study and plan review Canowindra floodplain risk management study and plan review |
Central Darling Shire Council | Central Darling Shire floodplain risk management study and plan |
City of Newcastle | Hexham and Woodberry swamp flood study |
Council of the City of Parramatta | Upper Devlins Creek flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan |
Council of the City of Sydney | Update of Darling Harbour and City area flood study |
Dubbo Regional Council | Wellington flood study |
Dungog Shire Council | Clarence Town flood study |
Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Goulburn overland flooding risk study and management plan project |
Griffith City Council | Review of Lake Wyangan flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan |
Lachlan Shire Council | Lachlan River flood study – Condobolin to Lake Brewster |
Leeton Shire Council | Leeton Shire Council flood study review and update |
Liverpool City Council | Review of Liverpool overland flow path study for urban catchment area – stage one, Cabramatta Creek catchment |
Maitland City Council | Maitland local government area – floodplain risk management study and plan |
Murray River Council | Moama major overland flow flood study Moulamein flood study review River Estate levee upgrade – Barham |
Orange City Council | The Orange ultimate flood modification scheme: feasibility and design project |
Penrith City Council | Claremont Creek Catchment flood study Jamison Road and Stafford Street retarding basins, Kingswood – investigation and detailed design |
Richmond Valley Council | Richmond Valley floodplain risk management plan |
Snowy Valleys Council | Brungle flood study |
Sutherland Shire Council | Woronora River flood study |
Tenterfield Shire Council | Urbenville and Woodenbong floodplain risk management study |
The Council of Camden | Addendum to Nepean River floodplain risk management study and plan to support emergency management planning |
The Council of the Municipality of Kiama | Jamberoo floodplain risk management study and plan Spring Creek flood study and flood risk management plan |
Tweed Shire Council | Tweed coastal creeks floodplain risk management study and plan update |
Upper Lachlan Shire Council | Supply and installation of flood warning systems at Crookwell, Collector, Gunning and Taralga |
Warrumbungle Shire Council | Coolah catchment flood study |
Wingecarribee Shire Council | Review of Bowral floodplain risk management study and plan |
Armidale Regional Council
Armidale Regional Council received funding for 2 projects.
Flood early warning system
This project will install a flood forecasting system to provide early warning during flood events in the Dumaresq Creek catchment. The system will provide predictive information on flows, depths, and velocities of events to the council and the NSW State Emergency Service. This will enable early action during flood events that may impact private property, businesses, public roads, utilities infrastructure and pose a risk to the public.
Guyra flood study
Guyra is a township on the northern tablelands, which is the 'top of the hill' and is not directly impacted by a named watercourse. Overland flow paths collect water and discharge into several water courses, effectively acting as the head of the catchment. This flood study will facilitate strategic planning for the growth of Guyra. This study will identify properties at risk from overland flows and flood paths.
Ballina Shire Council: Ballina Island and West Ballina – local stormwater drainage management study and plan
The Ballina Island and West Ballina area is susceptible to local overland flooding. A detailed investigation of overland flooding risk was completed for the council in 2021. It focused on local overland flood behaviour and recommended floodplain mitigation measures. The associated 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model (TUFLOW) of the trunk drainage system provided inundation mapping of local storm events and backwater inundation (high tide scenarios). This project addresses strategy 7 in the plan, which recommended commissioning a local stormwater drainage management study and plan.
Blacktown City Council: Wianamatta South Creek catchment flood study review
The project will undertake an independent review of the Wianamatta South Creek catchment flood study, to incorporate local information of newly developed areas within the South Creek catchment. The Wianamatta South Creek catchment flood study has been prepared by Infrastructure NSW, based on the council's 2015 South Creek flood study. The review of the flood study will ensure that the work has made the best use of information, the assumptions can be justified, and that the council can use the spatial flood information and modelling tools as a suitable foundation for developing a floodplain management plan.
Cabonne Council
Cabonne Council received funding for 2 projects.
Canowindra floodplain risk management study and plan review
Canowindra was significantly impacted by flooding in November 2022, resulting in substantial damage to private properties and infrastructure. The Canowindra floodplain risk management study and plan (FRMSP) was completed in 2007. Since the completion of the Canowindra floodplain risk management study and plan, the township has been impacted by flooding in 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2022. The nature and extent of flooding in Canowindra needs to be reviewed, including the calibration and verification of the flooding that has occurred since 2007; particularly the major flooding experienced in November 2022. This updated information will facilitate a review and update of the flood mitigation options and ensure council continues to implement the most appropriate options.
Eugowra floodplain risk management study and plan review
Eugowra was devastatingly impacted by flooding in November 2022, substantially damaging private properties and infrastructure. The Eugowra floodplain risk management study and plan (FRMSP) was completed in 2010. Since the completion of the Eugowra floodplain risk management study and plan, Eugowra has been impacted by flooding in 2005, 2012, 2016 and 2022. The nature and extent of flooding in Eugowra needs to be reviewed and updated, including the calibration and verification of the flooding that has occurred since 2010; particularly the major flooding experienced in November 2022. This updated information will facilitate a review and update of the flood mitigation options recommended for this area.
Central Darling Shire Council: Central Darling Shire floodplain risk management study and plan
This project will deliver a comprehensive floodplain risk management study and plan for the Central Darling Shire, focusing on the townships of Wilcannia, Menindee, Tilpa and The Sunset Strip. The project will build on the work done in the Darling River flood mapping project. It will enable the Central Darling Shire to accurately plan for and deliver future infrastructure developments whilst taking the necessary steps to provide appropriate mitigation for the impact of floods. It will also review the NSW State Emergency Service flood emergency sub-plan for the Shire.
City of Newcastle: Hexham and Woodberry swamp flood study
Hexham and Woodberry swamp are located on the lower Hunter River floodplain, within the local government areas of City of Newcastle, Cessnock and Maitland councils. The local catchments for Hexham and Woodberry swamp are experiencing significant development pressure from upper catchment development, redevelopment, and densification in low-lying areas adjacent to the wetlands. Of the 8 main tributaries that flow into Hexham Swamp, flood modelling has only been undertaken for the local catchments of Ironbark and Dark Creek, in 2008. Flood impacts and behaviour across the remaining tributaries of Hexham and Woodberry swamp is based on Hunter River flood modelling. The flood study aims to identify local catchment flood risk and behaviours, taking into consideration significant infrastructure projects and developments that have occurred, to inform future development, appropriate planning controls, and future mitigation measures.
Council of the City of Parramatta: Upper Devlins Creek flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan
This location is the only remaining area within City of Parramatta for which no flood study has been completed. This project will enable the council to apply a consistent approach over the entire council area for floodplain management.
Council of the City of Sydney: Update of Darling Harbour and City area flood study
The existing flood studies for the City area and Darling Harbour catchments were completed in 2014. Since then, major public infrastructure and private development have changed large parts of these catchments. Updating the flood studies will capture these major changes and provide a contemporary definition of flood behaviour in the highly urbanised catchments. Assessment of the risk of estuarine inundation will also be included, defining risk from an additional source compared to the existing flood studies. This will increase the reliability of flood information for strategic land use planning across the study areas and the assessment of proposed developments on flood-prone land, particularly for ongoing major developments in the Sydney central business district and for future development in Pyrmont.
Dubbo Regional Council: Wellington flood study
Most of Wellington is considered flood-free, but when flooding occurs, it results from floodwaters overtopping the banks of the Bell River, with areas around the main commercial precinct and some low-lying properties becoming inundated. This project will update the flood study, which was completed in 1995.
Dungog Shire Council: Clarence Town flood study
Clarence Town is a small township located on the Williams River, 25 kilometres south of Dungog and 55 kilometres north of Newcastle. Flood studies have previously been completed for the local Clarence Town catchment (2012) and the wider Williams River catchment (2009). The primary objective of the flood studies was to define the flood behaviour of Clarence Town and the Williams River by establishing appropriate numerical models. This project aims to minimise the flood risk and allow development on land compatible with the land's hazard.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council: Goulburn overland flooding risk study and management plan project
This two-stage project will inform the council's planning and engineering processes in relation to the impacts of overland flooding, including potential risk to life and property damage for Goulburn. Stage one will involve completing a flood study to provide a basis to define overland flood behaviour for Goulburn. The flood study will examine past overland flood events and evaluate overland flood assessments for a range of designed storms events under existing conditions. Stage 2 will develop an associated floodplain risk management study and plan to inform the council on managing future overland flood risk impacts.
Griffith City Council: Review of Lake Wyangan flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan
The Lake Wyangan flood study was undertaken with limited historical flood information. Soon after its completion, the March 2012 flood event occurred. The 2012 flood event information was incorporated into the floodplain risk management study and plan (2013) enabling the design flood level estimations to be consistent. However, since then the Lake Wyangan catchment has experienced 2 more flood events in 2016 and 2022, these flood events were a result of a prolonged wet period with saturated soil conditions and an accumulation of several minor storm events. Additionally, significant agricultural development has occurred in the last 10 years around Dickie Road. These are the main reasons for the review of the floodplain risk management study and plan.
Lachlan Shire Council: Lachlan River flood study – Condobolin to Lake Brewster
The Lachlan River downstream of Condobolin has no flood information or flood planning levels. This includes the townships of Lake Cargelligo, Curlew Waters, Euabalong, Euabalong West, Murrin Bridge and rural properties along the floodplain. The flooding event experienced in late 2022, was the largest on record. Completing a flood study for this section of the Lachlan River, after such a significant event, will provide benefits for infrastructure and housing planning.
Leeton Shire Council: flood study review and update
The project area includes the towns of Leeton, Whitton, Yanco, Murrari and the main irrigation channel originating at the Murrumbidgee River. The previous flood study was completed in 2015, after the March 2012 floods. The council will use improved study results to build community resilience through awareness of and preparedness for flood events, as well as influencing future town planning and ensuring new development areas have appropriate flood protection and emergency evacuation routes. The flood study will also be used to assess the stormwater drainage capacity of existing infrastructure within the towns and provide a basis upon which drainage augmentation works can be undertaken.
Liverpool City Council: Review of Liverpool overland flow path study for urban catchment area – stage one, Cabramatta Creek catchment
In 2006, council completed a broad overland flow path study of the entire local government area to identify and prioritise sub-catchments prone to overland flooding. Subsequently, the council undertook detailed overland flow path and risk management studies of the high-priority urban sub-catchment areas. Over the past decade, extensive development has occurred across the Liverpool local government area. Landform has been changed due to the construction of new residential developments, subdivision of lands, and construction of roads and infrastructures. In addition to physical changes in landform, rainfall pattern and intensity have also been changed due to the impact of climate change. It has become necessary to review the local government area wide overland flow path study using the latest LiDAR data and newly adopted hydrological methodology Australian rainfall and runoff 2019. The study will identify overland flow paths within the study area and prioritise local sub-catchments for further detailed studies.
Maitland City Council: Maitland local government area – floodplain risk management study and plan
Maitland Council will comprehensively review and update the existing Hunter River floodplain risk management study and plan (2015). The project objective is to develop a new local government area-wide floodplain risk management study and plan, incorporating the results of recent flood studies to ensure that the risks of both riverine and local catchment flooding are appropriately managed across the entire local government area.
Murray River Council
Murray River Council received funding for 3 projects.
Moama major overland flow flood study
Murray River Council is currently undertaking the cross-border Echuca-Moama flood study. The proposed Moama major overland flow flood study will compliment that study and provide vital information on how overland flows impact the town. Residential development in Moama is flood-sensitive; therefore, this study will help the council implement measures that foster flood resilience for the community.
Moulamein flood study review
This project will review the Moulamein flood study (2019) and validate it to the November 2022 flood event. The Moulamein township is at the confluence of the Billabong Creek and Edward River and has been subjected to recurrent riverine flooding. In recent years, Moulamein was impacted by floods in 2016 and more severely by the 2022 flood. The 2022 flood event far exceeded the 1% annual exceedance probability event and is the biggest in recorded history at the Moulamein gauge. Once the flood study is updated and adopted, the council, NSW State Emergency Service and other government agencies will have access to an appropriate tool for sustainable resilience and the town's preparedness when the next flood hits.
River Estate levee upgrade – Barham
The River Estate levee encloses a residential estate at Barham. The levee was subject to a structural integrity audit in 2019 as part of implementing the Barham floodplain risk management study and plan (2017). The audit report identified that the existing levee does not comply with current standards for urban levees in New South Wales. A detailed design of the levee upgrade was completed in April 2022. This project will reconstruct the existing levee to the adopted design crest level.
Orange City Council ultimate flood modification scheme: feasibility and design project
This project will undertake the next major step of the Blackmans Swamp and Ploughmans Creek floodplain risk management study and plan. It will assess the feasibility of constructing Orange's ultimate flood modification scheme, including preparation of concept designs for 8 individual flood modification schemes: Cutcliffe Park detention basin, Kenna Street stormwater drainage upgrade, Orange Agricultural Institute dam modification, Moulder Park detention basin, Ridley oval detention basin, Glenroi oval detention basin, East Orange Creek channel works and Blackmans Swamp Creek channel widening.
Penrith City Council
Penrith City Council received funding for 2 projects.
Claremont Creek catchment flood study
The council will undertake a detailed local overland flow study for the Claremont Creek catchment and adjoining South Creek and Upper Surveyors Creek locality. The study area contains several overland flow paths and flows from the catchment area contributing to Claremont Creek, South Creek and Ropes Creek. The study area comprises 1,606 hectares within Claremont Meadows, a large part of Orchard Hills and parts of Werrington, Kingswood and Caddens. The study will define the flood behaviour under current floodplain conditions. All potential flooding mechanisms will be included in the analysis of flood behaviour, including local overland flow and creek flooding. This flood study will form the basis for the future flood planning of the study area.
Jamison Road and Stafford Street retarding basins, Kingswood – investigation and detailed design
The College, Orth and Werrington creeks floodplain risk management plan (2021) recommends upgrading the Jamison Road existing retarding basin and constructing a new retarding basin at Stafford Street, Kingswood. These flood mitigation measures are part of combined flood mitigation measures that aim to provide greater attenuation of flows during more significant floods in the catchment. The project will complete detailed design plans for these 2 retarding basins ready for construction.
Richmond Valley Council floodplain risk management plan
This project will produce a floodplain risk management plan (FRMP) for the Richmond Valley, with the overall objective of improved management of flood risk into the future.
The Richmond Valley FRMP will outline a range of measures to manage existing, future, and residual flood risk effectively and efficiently. The FRMP will also present a prioritised strategy to guide the implementation of the proposed measures; to build a more resilient community, with reduced impacts from flooding on individual owners and occupiers of flood prone property.
Snowy Valleys Council: Brungle flood study
This flood study will focus on the village of Brungle, which is partially located on the Tumut River floodplain (including the anabranch of Nimbo Creek) and the tributary of Brungle Creek. This flood study will initially develop a hydraulic model of the Tumut River floodplain that will connect to the Tumut flood study upstream and the Gundagai flood study downstream. A detailed hydraulic model will then be developed to define the flood risks and provide a tool suitable to progress to a floodplain risk management study and plan.
Sutherland Shire Council: Woronora River flood study
The Woronora River flood study (1991) is over 30 years old. This project will complete a flood study using the latest hydrologic and hydraulic modelling techniques, Australian rainfall and runoff 2019 guidelines and sea level rise policy. The flood study will determine revised flood behaviour, hazard and risk to life and property. The study will be used to improve the application of the council's flood related development controls, providing flood information to community, and for emergency response management planning.
Tenterfield Shire Council: Urbenville and Woodenbong floodplain risk management study
This project continues the work undertaken to prepare flood mapping for the 2 shires of Tenterfield and Kyogle. The towns of Urbenville, Muli Muli an Aboriginal community, and Woodenbong share the Tooloom Creek catchment. Undertaking the risk management study jointly allows a greater understanding of the issues faced by border villages and enhanced cooperation in the face of natural disasters, such as flooding.
The Council of Camden: Addendum to Nepean River floodplain risk management study and plan to support emergency management planning
The study area is the Nepean River catchment in Camden local government area. This project will review the Nepean River floodplain risk management study and plan to support emergency management planning. The Nepean River catchment is vulnerable to flooding and subject to rapid development and the community has faced difficulties with emergency management during 3 flood events in 2022. The purpose of this study is to:
- provide key consideration for emergency response strategy including evacuation capability, emergency management for fast responding catchments
- identify areas with no defined emergency management strategy
- address emergency management principles in floodplain risk management decisions based on emergency management guideline to support emergency management planning
- provide the community with awareness, understanding of how flooding impacts them and the response arrangements during floods.
The Council of the Municipality of Kiama
The Council of the Municipality of Kiama received funding for 2 projects.
Jamberoo floodplain risk management study and plan
This project will progress the Jamberoo flood investigation (Gerringong Jamberoo flood investigation – catchment simulation solutions 2022) to the floodplain risk management stage. A floodplain risk management plan will review flood measures, including options to improve flood-resistant access, confirm the suitability of the proposed flood mitigation measures, conduct an analysis using Australian rainfall and runoff 2019, establish flood planning levels and develop emergency control plans.
Spring Creek flood study and flood risk management plan
This project will update and review the existing study, to include the methodology of Australian rainfall and runoff 2019. Following the study, the council will progress to a flood risk management plan. The intended outcome is to improve flood-resistant access across Spring Creek at Dido Street and Jamberoo Road, provide suitable flood mitigation measures, establish flood planning levels and provide appropriate flood information to the NSW State Emergency Service to inform the emergency response plan.
Tweed Shire Council: Tweed coastal creeks floodplain risk management study and plan update
Since the completion of the Tweed coastal creeks flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan several years ago, the Tweed region has suffered two devastating floods of record, being the March 2017 event and the February–March 2022 flood events.
The Tweed coastal creeks floodplain risk management study and plan update will revise the coastal creeks flood models, revisit the risk management study, and update the risk management plan, which will help council to better manage flood risk in the area.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council: Supply and installation of flood warning systems at Crookwell, Collector, Gunning and Taralga
There is a major issue with flash flooding of the townships of Crookwell, Collector, Gunning and Taralga. The State Emergency Service (SES) and council do not have adequate time to conduct evacuation and flood damage reduction measures. This project includes the following benefits:
- automated warning provided to SES and council, which improves reliability and ability to respond and reduces reliance on personnel to monitor conditions
- real-time rainfall and water level data hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology to assist the SES, council and the community with decision-making
- historical data recording to assist with greater accuracy of flood predictions, modelling and understanding potential impacts on the community.
Warrumbungle Shire Council: Coolah catchment flood study
Coolah Catchment is a small catchment area often subject to heavy rainfall and flash flooding. The village of Coolah is at the bottom of the catchment, and the flooding is often quick and short, creating considerable damage to properties and infrastructure. Through this flood study, the council will capture data to enable flood modelling, including analysis of tributary catchments to determine flows for required events, including 1%, 2% and probable maximum flood, as well as more frequent events.
Wingecarribee Shire Council: Review of Bowral floodplain risk management study and plan
A floodplain risk management study and plan was completed in 2009 for the Mittagong Creek catchment in Bowral. This review will assess the earlier recommendations and suggest new options to further mitigate flooding in the catchment. It is intended that the review will use current modelling techniques to identify alternative measures and new flooding information that reflects the change in land use over the last 14 years. The review will model mainstream flooding and overland flow using 1-dimensional/2-dimensional techniques to better represent the complex interactions in the catchment.
Previous years
Funding for these projects came from the NSW Government Floodplain Management Program.
The Floodplain Management Program funded 65 projects totalling $9,956,299.
Grant recipient/local government area | Project name |
Ballina Shire Council | Alstonville, Lennox Head and Wardell overland flood study |
Bayside Council | Mascot, Rosebery and Eastlakes flood study review |
Bega Valley Shire Council | Wolumla flood study and floodplain risk management plan |
Blacktown City Council | Eastern Creek floodplain risk management study and plan |
Broken Hill City Council | Broken Hill flood study |
Byron Shire Council | Belongil and Tallow flood risk management study and plan update Byron Shire overland flow path study |
Camden Council | Investigation and design for building a levee from Saunders Road and along McCrae Drive Update Nepean River flood study to include precinct development and urban land release |
Carrathool Shire Council | Hillston eastern levee upgrade feasibility study |
Central Coast Council | Somersby and Kariong catchments overland flood study |
City of Canterbury Bankstown Council | Floodplain risk management study and plan for sub-catchments of the Duck River |
Clarence Valley Council | Esk River flood monitoring project |
Coffs Harbour City Council | Bonville Creek flood study |
Coonamble Shire Council | Coonamble stage 4a levee – high bank stabilisation along Castlereagh River |
Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council | Cootamundra/Gundagai Shire villages (Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara) flood study |
Council of the City of Parramatta | Final expansion project for the City of Parramatta FloodSmart flood warning service |
Cumberland City Council | Duck Creek and Duck River overland flow study |
Eurobodalla Shire Council | Batemans Bay urban creeks floodplain risk management study and plan |
Fairfield City Council | Bosnjak detention basin investigation and detailed design |
Federation Council | Federation villages flood warning system review Morundah flood mitigation investigations, concept design and detailed design Urana and Boree Creek voluntary house raising/house purchase scoping study Urana levee upgrade – investigations, concept design and detailed design |
Georges River Council | Georges River Council flood risk overland flow study for former Kogarah Council |
Griffith City Council | Hanwood stormwater pump and levee – stage 1B construction |
Gunnedah Shire Council | Review and update of Blackjack Creek flood study |
Hornsby Shire Council | Hornsby Shire local government area rural areas flood study |
Kempsey Shire Council | Kempsey central business district floodplain risk management plan – improved flood immunity investigation and design stage 3 Upper (Central) Macleay flood study |
Ku-ring-gai Council | Lane Cove southern catchments flood study |
Lake Macquarie City Council | North Creek and Warners Bay – flood study |
Liverpool City Council | Harris Creek flood study |
Lockhart Shire Council | The Rock flood study review |
MidCoast Council | Design of flood evacuation routes in Wingham Gloucester caravan park access upgrade feasibility study Post 2021 flood review of MidCoast floodplain risk management study and plan documents |
Mosman Municipal Council | Mosman local government area flood study |
Murrumbidgee Council | Darlington Point floodplain management – final levee upgrade activities |
Nambucca Valley Council | Flood awareness signage |
Narrabri Shire Council | Gwabegar flood study |
Penrith City Council | Blackwell Creek catchment flood study Byrnes Creek catchment flood mitigation work detention basin and drainage investigation and detailed design Chapman Gardens basin augmentation, Kingswood – detailed investigation and detailed design Upper Byrnes Creek catchment overland flow flood study |
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council | Camden Haven flood study update and extension |
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council | Bungendore overflow channel Captains Flat flood warning system Queanbeyan voluntary purchase and house raising feasibility study |
Randwick City Council | Clovelly floodplain risk management study and plan Lurline Bay, Matraville, Malabar, Yarra Bay flood risk management study and plan |
Shoalhaven City Council | Lower Shoalhaven River floodplain risk management study and plan review Revision of Broughton Creek flood study St Georges Basin floodplain risk management study and plan review |
Snowy Valleys Council | Tumbarumba flood study |
Sutherland Shire Council | Kurnell floodplain risk management study and plan |
Tenterfield Shire Council | Tenterfield flood study updated |
Tweed Shire Council | Dorothy-William streets levee area pump station |
Wagga Wagga City Council | Humula and Mangoplah flood studies |
Waverley Council | Floodplain risk mitigation plan – Waverley Council |
Wentworth Shire Council | Wentworth flood study |
Wollondilly Shire Council | Shire wide flood study – additional detail studies Stonequarry Creek floodplain risk management plan – investigation of floodway clearance and voluntary purchase Stonequarry Creek floodplain risk management plan – investigation of western basins viability |
Wollongong City Council | Lake Illawarra flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan |
Project details
Ballina Shire Council
Alstonville, Lennox Head and Wardell overland flood study
This project will develop a 2-dimensional hydraulic model of the urban areas of Alstonville, Lennox Head and Wardell to analyse and map local overland flooding extents. The flood study and extents mapping will be used to implement development controls, inform land-use planning, and identify feasible infrastructure upgrades and structural protection measures available to reduce the impacts of overland flooding to Alstonville, Lennox Head and Wardell.
Bayside Council
Mascot, Rosebery and Eastlakes flood study review
The Mascot, Rosebery and Eastlakes catchment includes the suburbs of Mascot, Rosebery, Eastlakes and Pagewood. This catchment is affected by overland flooding and mainstream flooding.
Flood modelling for this catchment was completed based on parameters available in 2013. Since then, LiDAR information, building footprints, roads, and rainfall guidelines have changed significantly. This project will review and update the current flood study based on the latest information.
Bega Valley Shire Council
Wolumla flood study and floodplain risk management plan
Wolumla Creek is a tributary of the Bega River. Two regional roads transit the Wolumla Creek catchment. Detailed flood information is needed for emergency response and infrastructure planning.
An overland flow study covering the township of Wolumla will provide information on flood risk. The study area will encompass the Wolumla Creek catchment focusing on the localities of Wolumla, South Wolumla and Frog's Hollow.
The floodplain risk management plan will provide the council with some definitive actions to manage the flood risk within the catchment and deliver information to inform the council's future land-use and emergency response planning.
Blacktown City Council
Eastern Creek floodplain risk management study and plan
The Eastern Creek lower catchment comprises large areas significantly impacted by the Hawkesbury Nepean flooding. This area is of significant importance because it includes the North West growth area, the Western Sydney employment area and the Greater Penrith to Eastern Creek investigation area.
A floodplain risk management study and plan are the next steps for the Eastern Creek catchment, following the completion of the Eastern Creek flood study in 2019. This project will investigate a suite of flood management measures and evaluate options that could be implemented to manage the existing, future and continuing flood risk.
Broken Hill City Council
Broken Hill flood study
This project will complete a flood study of the Broken Hill local government area to determine and define the overall flood risk to the community. The flood risk will be identified through the development of a state-of-the-art flood model that will be used to determine:
- the degree of hazard the community is exposed to
- the scale of the population at risk
- gaps in flood information needed to manage flooding
- the potential need for flood mitigation works to reduce risks to the community in the area
- the potential for redevelopment and new development.
Byron Shire Council
Belongil and Tallow flood risk management study and plan update
The Belongil and Tallow Creek floodplain risk management study and plan are more than 5-years old and require updating, due to the development pressure in these catchments and recent flood events. This project will update the floodplain risk management study and plan to align them with current Australian standards.
Byron Shire overland flow path study
This project will undertake shire-wide overland flow path flooding and drainage studies to identify and prioritise flooding and drainage improvement mitigation upgrade works for the shire. The project will identify and prioritise potential mitigation works with the highest benefit-cost ratio to aid strategic land-use planning.
Camden Council
Investigation and design for building a levee from Saunders Road and along McCrae Drive
The draft Nepean River floodplain risk management plan recommends a flood protection levee west of McCrae Drive from Saunders Avenue to Cunningham Place as a high-ranked flood management measure for the Nepean River catchment. This project will investigate whether the proposed levee is a viable option to reduce flood levels for properties along McCrae Drive.
Update Nepean River flood study to include precinct development and urban land release
This project will update the Nepean River flood study to include changes in the catchment, such as precinct development and urban land release. The Nepean River flood study was based on LiDAR information captured in 2011, and there has been significant development in the catchment since then. The study will assess the cumulative impact of development on flooding, to address this issue in emergency management and land-use planning. It will help to understand the flood behaviour and risk and provide up-to-date flood information to the public.
Carrathool Shire Council
Hillston eastern levee upgrade feasibility study
The current Hillston floodplain risk management study and plan highlight the benefit of restoring and upgrading the eastern levee at Hillston; this option would potentially protect up to 73 buildings from above floor-level flooding during a 1% annual exceedance probability flood event. This site is also the location of a proposed heavy vehicle bypass. A feasibility study to investigate the possibility of incorporating a dual levee and heavy vehicle bypass at this location will be undertaken as part of the project.
Central Coast Council
Somersby and Kariong catchments overland flood study
The overland flood study area consists of the Somersby and Kariong catchments. The catchments drain to the Hawkesbury River via Mooney Mooney Creek and other smaller tributaries. Council currently has very limited flooding information for these catchments. This study will produce a 2-dimensional hydraulic model and inform planning decisions about the growth in this area, which has been identified as a regionally significant growth area.
City of Canterbury Bankstown Council
Floodplain risk management study and plan for sub-catchments of the Duck River
Duck River is one of the major tributaries of the Parramatta River and drains water from 2 sub-catchments: Wolumba and Duck River. The total catchment area is approximately 9.17 square kilometres and will accommodate substantial growth and development over the coming years. Significant floods have occurred in the Duck River catchment, including in March 2022.
This project will undertake Australian rainfall and runoff 2019 sensitivity analyses for the 2 sub-catchments and prepare a consolidated floodplain risk management plan for the Duck River catchment.
Clarence Valley Council
Esk River flood monitoring project
This project will install a remotely monitored flood gauge in the Esk River on Iluka Road.
Iluka Road provides the only access to the town of Iluka, and flooding of the Esk River has caused the road to be closed on multiple occasions. Council relies on community reports to know when the road has been cut by floodwater. The flood gauge will enable the council to advise the Iluka community about road closures.
Coffs Harbour City Council
Bonville Creek flood study
The Bonville Creek catchment covers an area of approximately 115 square kilometres. Two major tributaries join Bonville and Pine creeks from the south, and Middle Creek from the north. The existing flood study for the catchment was completed in 1995. There is ongoing development pressure in the catchment. This study will provide up-to-date, detailed and accurate flood mapping. This will provide a sound base for implementing flood planning controls and better inform strategic plans for improving flood immunity.
Coonamble Shire Council
Coonamble stage 4a levee – high bank stabilisation along Castlereagh River
This project will stabilise the high bank of the Coonamble levee adjacent to the Castlereagh River and the Sir Edward Hollstrom Bridge using oversized rock.
Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council
Cootamundra/Gundagai shire villages (Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara) flood study
This project will develop a wide-scale flood study encompassing the whole of the Cootamundra/Gundagai local government area of the Murrumbidgee River floodplain. This will be used to develop individual flood studies for the villages of Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara and inform water levels for the hydraulic models for these studies.
Council of the City of Parramatta
Final expansion project for the City of Parramatta FloodSmart flood warning service
FloodSmart Parramatta provides the community with a flood warning service, but it does not cover the entire local government area. This project will complete the coverage of this service. It will also develop an innovative, dynamic tidal boundary process to enable real-time forecasting of the impacts from the tidal Parramatta River. The work will deliver flood modelling and 3 new warning areas, which will be operationalised within FloodSmart Parramatta.
Cumberland City Council
Duck Creek and Duck River overland flow study
An overland flood study for Duck River will complement other catchment overland flow studies that the council has undertaken.
This study will identify the properties within the Duck River catchment affected by overland flow, to enable actions to reduce the flooding impacts on human life and properties. The study will also ensure that residents are aware of the risks associated with flooding of their properties and will address these risks when residents are redeveloping their properties.
Eurobodalla Shire Council
Batemans Bay urban creeks floodplain risk management study and plan
The Batemans Bay urban creeks floodplain risk management study and plan will build on the outcomes of the adopted Batemans Bay urban creeks flood study and identify opportunities to mitigate and manage significant impacts of flooding. This will include climate adaptation strategies to manage inundation in the Batemans Bay area, consistent with the outcomes of the Eurobodalla open coast coastal management program.
Fairfield City Council
Bosnjak detention basin investigation and detailed design
The Bosnjak detention basin is located at Edensor Park; it has an upper and lower basin.
The Three Tributaries floodplain risk management study and plan identified that residual flooding could be removed by raising the lower basin wall to contain a one-in-100-year flood event.
Council will complete an investigation and design to determine the feasibility of the proposed detention basin upgrade options identified in the Three Tributaries floodplain risk management study and plan.
Federation Council
Federation villages flood warning system review
The floodplain risk management study and plan for Federation villages recommends that a project be undertaken to identify improvements to the flood warning system, to improve the current system for the villages of Boree Creek, Urana, Morundah and Rand.
All of these towns are located within the Billabong Creek catchment. Tributaries also impact, notably on Boree Creek, Urana and Morundah. An improved flood warning system will allow the town residents to prepare and respond in a manner which reflects the impending severity of flooding.
Morundah flood mitigation investigations, concept design and detailed design
The township of Morundah is subject to riverine flooding from Colombo Creek and major overland flow from local runoff. The previous flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan identified that 17 residential houses and 3 commercial/industrial buildings are flooded to above floor level in a 1% annual exceedance probability flood at Morundah. The floodplain risk management study and plan recommends a number of flood modification measures, including a levee improvement project, cross drainage culvert upgrades and an overland flow diversion bund. This project will undertake further investigations (including a levee structural integrity assessment), concept design and detailed design for these mitigation measures.
Urana and Boree Creek voluntary house raising/house purchase scoping study
The township of Urana is subject to riverine flooding from Urangeline Creek. The township of Boree Creek is subject to riverine flooding from Boree Creek. The Federation villages floodplain risk management study and plan identified that 26 houses at Urana and 34 houses at Boree Creek are flooded to above floor level in a 1% annual exceedance probability flood. The floodplain risk management study and plan recommends that a feasibility study investigate a voluntary house raising scheme for Boree Creek and a voluntary purchase scheme for both Boree Creek and Urana.
This project will assess the suitability of individual properties for inclusion in either a voluntary house raising or voluntary purchase scheme.
Urana levee upgrade – investigations, concept design and detailed design
The township of Urana is subject to riverine flooding from Urangeline Creek and Billabong Creek. The previous flood study report and floodplain risk management study and plan identified that 26 residential houses and 14 commercial/industrial buildings are flooded to above floor level in a 1% annual exceedance probability flood at Urana. The floodplain risk management study and plan recommends that the existing levee be extended and upgraded, consistent with current urban levee standards. This project will undertake further investigations to confirm potential impacts of the work and the levee alignment, and then progress to concept design and detailed design.
Georges River Council
Georges River Council flood risk overland flow study for former Kogarah Council
This project will undertake an overland flow study for the former Kogarah Council locale to assist Georges River Council, and the wider community in understanding the overland flood depths for various rainfall probabilities.
This work will inform future flood management studies and utilise 2-dimensional mathematical flood models.
Griffith City Council
Hanwood stormwater pump and levee – stage 1B construction
Hanwood stormwater pump and levee is a 2-stage project. Stage 1 involves constructing a stormwater water pump and associated drainage pipe network. Stage 2 involves constructing a levee and raising of the road.
This project will extend the stormwater pipe network along Kidman Way, Hanwood, to support the operation of a stormwater pump. This work will ensure the efficient transfer of flood flows away from the Hanwood community.
Gunnedah Shire Council
Review and update of Blackjack Creek flood study
Blackjack Creek drains south-west Gunnedah and runs west of the urban area through Wandobah Reserve, crossing the Oxley Highway and the Mungindi railway before discharging to the Namoi River.
The flood study for this area will be updated to consider changes that have occurred. The study will be revised to ensure flood modelling is current and will show the distribution, extent, levels and velocity of floodwaters.
Hornsby Shire Council
Hornsby Shire local government area rural areas flood study
This project will complete a flood study that covers all the rural areas within the Hornsby Shire local government area. This is required to ensure the Hornsby community is aware of the flood risk, and that any development and redevelopment of the rural properties are in accordance with the NSW Government's flood prone land policy.
Kempsey Shire Council
Kempsey central business district floodplain risk management plan – improved flood immunity investigation and design stage 3
Kempsey Shire Council will complete the investigation and design for upgrades to the central business district levee protection system. The upgrades were identified in the central business district floodplain risk management plan and include works related to the levee and flood gate improvements.
Upper (Central) Macleay flood study
This project will deliver the Central-Upper Macleay flood study. The study area extends along the Macleay River's from the Kempsey/Armidale boundary to the upper stream boundary of the Lower Macleay flood study project.
This project will provide valuable information to Kempsey Shire Council, landowners, State Emergency Services and Transport for NSW for current and future planning. It will improve key stakeholder knowledge about flooding in the central to upper catchment and evacuation route planning.
Ku-ring-gai Council
Lane Cove southern catchments flood study
Lane Cove southern catchments include the suburbs (or parts of) Killara, Lindfield and Roseville. This will be the sixth major catchment flood study undertaken for the Lane Cove River catchment area. This project will provide sufficient data for a flood risk management study and plan, which will guide future flood risk management actions for the study area.
Lake Macquarie City Council
North Creek and Warners Bay flood study
Lake Macquarie City Council will undertake a comprehensive review of North Creek flood study. Significant development in this catchment has had considerable effects on the floodplain and flood behaviour. A large part of residential/commercial/industrial zoned land in the catchment has been developed, with continuing population growth. There is pressure to increase density of developments and/or rezone further land for urban usage.
This comprehensive and updated flood study will incorporate new data from rainfall records and historic floods and use LiDAR to assist with calibration and modelling.
Liverpool City Council
Harris Creek flood study
This project will prepare a flood study for Harris Creek, a major tributary of the Georges River, which flows through Liverpool. Harris Creek crosses Heathcote Road at Holsworthy, the access road to Holsworthy Army Barrack, Holsworthy Station, residential areas, and access to the South Coast via Princes Highway.
The flood study will involve detailed hydrologic and hydraulic modelling and preparation of flood inundation maps, including flood level contours, flood risk and flood hazard maps. This will assist the council with floodplain management of the area. The study will also inform the Australian Defence Force, State Emergency Services and the Roads and Maritime Services in emergency management planning.
Lockhart Shire Council
The Rock flood study review
This project will review and revise the existing flood study to calibrate the flood model. It will use data from recent floods and consider Australian rainfall and runoff 2019 requirements.
MidCoast Council
Design of flood evacuation routes in Wingham
This project will complete the investigation, design and community consultation stages for upgrades to three primary evacuation routes used by many property owners in Wingham.
These measures address the recommendations made in the Wingham floodplain risk management plan, in which improving evacuation access is classified as a high priority strategy.
Gloucester caravan park access upgrade feasibility study
This project is a feasibility study to identify evacuation routes and road raising options for the caravan park in Gloucester, to provide flood free evacuations in a 1% annual exceedance probability flood. It will consider socioeconomic and environmental factors, flood impacts and community acceptance.
The feasibility study was classified as a high priority in the Gloucester floodplain risk management study and plan.
Post 2021 flood review of MidCoast floodplain risk management study and plan documents
This study will undertake post-flood reviews of all the floodplain risk management studies and plans across the MidCoast local government area, excluding the floodplain risk management study and plan for Bulahdelah, which is currently being reviewed in light of the March 2021 floods.
This review will include recommendations on triggers and response planning assistance for State Emergency Services, recommendations for flood warning systems, and consideration of all flood-affected properties for addition to the list for voluntary purchase and house raising.
Mosman Municipal Council
Mosman local government area flood study
The Mosman flood study will provide an understanding of flood risk for the entire Mosman local government area and will investigate flood behaviour for a range of flood events.
An integrated flood study will allow the council to evaluate the scale and severity of any flooding issues to inform flood risk management, emergency management and land-use planning decisions, and improve protection of people and property from flooding.
Murrumbidgee Council
Darlington Point floodplain management – final levee upgrade activities
This project will install a pump station to keep water levels below capacity in the stormwater retention basin at Ross Street, Darlington Point. This will mitigate flooding inside the upgraded levee structure during a flood event.
Nambucca Valley Council
Flood awareness signage
A high priority of this area's floodplain risk management plan is to increase community understanding of flood risk. This project will provide signage and markers to indicate historic and potential flood levels affecting the towns of Macksville and Bowraville. This will help the community make informed decisions about flood risk.
Narrabri Shire Council
Gwabegar flood study
Narrabri Shire Council will complete an in-depth flood study on the village of Gwabegar following flood events in 2021 and inundation of parts of the village.
This study will capture data for the village of Gwabegar and the surrounding area, to better understand flood behaviour and consequences in the area.
Penrith City Council
Blackwell Creek catchment flood study
The Blackwell Creek catchment partly covers the suburbs of St Clair, Erskine Park and Kemps Creek and discharges to South Creek upstream of M4 crossing.
A detailed flood study for the catchment will be undertaken to define the flood behaviour under existing catchment and floodplain conditions. It will use industry standard hydrologic and hydraulic modelling practices to define the flood behaviour. The project will also survey hydraulic structures, culverts, storm water drainage pits and pipes for flood modelling.
Byrnes Creek catchment flood mitigation work – detention basin and drainage investigation and detailed design
Byrnes Creek floodplain risk management study and plan recommends a series of flood mitigation measures to alleviate the flooding problem within the study area. Two of these measures include the construction of new stormwater drainage pipeline at Mamre Road and a new detention basin at Collins Street Reserve, St Marys. This project will complete a detailed investigation, prepare concept design plans, undertake environmental assessment, carry out community consultation and prepare detailed design plans ready for construction.
Chapman Gardens basin augmentation, Kingswood – detailed investigation and detailed design
The College, Orth and Werrington creeks floodplain risk management study and plan recommends augmentation of the Chapman Gardens basin in Kingswood. This will be part of a combined measure to provide greater attenuation of flows during more significant floods in the catchment and reduce overland flow flooding across critical flood evacuation routes.
This project will involve completing a detailed investigation, preparing concept design plans, undertaking environmental assessment, carrying out community consultation and preparing detailed design plans for construction.
Upper Byrnes Creek catchment overland flow flood study
This project will undertake a detailed local overland flow study for the Upper Byrnes Creek catchment and adjoining Ropes Creek. The study area comprises 5.4 square kilometres within St Clair and Erskine Park. It contains a number of overland flow paths. Flow from the catchment area contributes to Byrnes and Ropes creeks.
This study will define the flood behaviour under current floodplain conditions, and all potential flooding mechanisms will be included in the analysis of flood behaviour, including local overland flow and creek flooding. The adopted flood study will form the basis for future flood planning in the study area.
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Camden Haven flood study update and extension
This project will update the existing Camden Haven flood study with data captured following the March 2021 floods. This will include a calibration and validation exercise, to ensure the flood study is producing accurate data that reflects the best knowledge of flood behaviour in the catchment.
The project also proposes to extend the study area into previously unmodelled catchments that experienced severe flooding in March 2021. These areas have significant levels of development and currently rely on anecdotal flood intelligence to determine building floor levels.
The revised study will be used to inform an update to the Camden Haven floodplain risk management plan.
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
Bungendore overflow channel
This project involves construction of an overflow channel on Turallo Creek in Bungendore. This measure allows floodwaters to bypass the Tarago Road bridge crossing of the creek during flood events.
The overflow channel will pass under Tarago Road, using culvert structure, and will provide flood storage during major events. This will decrease the flood impact on nearby properties.
Captains Flat flood warning system
For most residents in the Captains Flat township, the first warning of a flood is inundation of their property or loss of access along roadways.
This project will investigate and design a flood warning/alert system, tied to stream gauges in the Molonglo River, to provide advance warning to the community of impending flood events. Installation of a flood warning system is a recommendation from the Captains Flat flood risk mitigation plan.
Queanbeyan voluntary purchase and house raising feasibility study
This project will complete a feasibility study looking at the viability of voluntary purchase and house raising in the high hazard floodway area along the Queanbeyan River. The study is a recommendation of the Queanbeyan flood risk mitigation plan.
Randwick City Council
Clovelly floodplain risk management study and plan
The Clovelly catchment is a part of Waverley local government area flood study, which was completed in January 2021. The flood study identified 888 properties to be tagged as requiring future flood related development controls. It also identified that the flood risk in the catchment was mostly from overland flow.
The Clovelly floodplain risk management study will identify and assess a range of management options, both structural and non-structural, to reduce the risk of flooding within the catchment.
Lurline Bay, Matraville, Malabar, Yarra Bay flood risk management study and plan
This project will deliver the Lurline Bay, Matraville, Malabar, and Yarra Bay flood risk management study and plan. During periods of heavy rainfall across the study area, there is potential for the capacity of the stormwater system to be exceeded. Flooding across the study area may damage property and vehicles and pose a risk to life during large floods. The flood risk management study and plan will identify and assess a range of management options to reduce the risk of flooding in the catchment.
Shoalhaven City Council
Lower Shoalhaven River floodplain risk management study and plan review
The Lower Shoalhaven River catchment has records of significant flood damages and associated loss of lives. The current floodplain risk management study and plan was adopted in 2011. Since then, the topography and land use of the Lower Shoalhaven River floodplain has changed, partly due to new developments and rehabilitation of the Terara levee.
The recently completed flood study will form the basis of the floodplain risk management study and plan. The study and plan will include identifying and analysing flood risk and assessing management options.
Revision of Broughton Creek flood study
The flood study will investigate Broughton Creek and its tributaries that drain from the north and west of Berry to the Lower Shoalhaven River. In the past, flooding in the catchment has caused property damage and posed a hazard to residents. The current floodplain risk management study and plan was adopted in 2012. It predates 2 major upgrades of the Princes Highway, significant and ongoing urban expansion and the introduction of Australian rainfall and runoff 2019.
This project will provide a contemporary definition of flood behaviour in the Broughton Creek catchment, focusing on riverine and overland flooding. It will significantly increase the reliability of flood information for strategic land-use planning across the study area.
St Georges Basin floodplain risk management study and plan review
The St Georges Basin floodplain risk management study and plan will investigate and recommend actions to mitigate and manage current and future flood risks. This catchment has records of significant flood damages and associated loss of lives.
Council has completed the St Georges Basin flood study, based on the latest technology, survey information and the Australian rainfall and runoff 2019 methodology. The flood study will form the basis of the floodplain risk management study and plan, including identification and analysis of flood risk and assessment of management options.
Snowy Valleys Council
Tumbarumba flood study
This project will complete a comprehensive flood study for the Tumbarumba township, to identify and map areas at risk due to flooding from local creek systems. This study will enable the flood risks to be determined.
Sutherland Shire Council
Kurnell floodplain risk management study and plan
Kurnell is a low-lying residential suburb on the southern foreshore of Botany Bay, it has a history of overland flooding and tidal inundation. This project will update the 2009 flood study, based on current best practice and available data. It will also update the 2013 floodplain risk management study and plan, focusing on property and behaviour modification measures.
Tenterfield Shire Council
Tenterfield flood study updated
This project will update the existing flood study and the floodplain risk management study and plan to take into account flooding events in Tenterfield in 2019 and 2021 and the new Australian rainfall and runoff (2019) information.
Tweed Shire Council
Dorothy-William streets levee area pump station
Local stormwater flooding behind the Dorothy-William streets levee system in Murwillumbah affects private property, public infrastructure (sewer) and the use of community facilities. This flooding is associated with elevated river levels outside the levee, preventing stormwater from draining away. This is a common levee problem but is particularly pronounced in this area.
The Murwillumbah central business district levee and drainage study recommends installing a pump station behind the levee. This project will install the pump station to minimise private property damage, disruption of community facilities and environmental/amenity issues associated with sewer infiltration.
Wagga Wagga City Council
Humula and Mangoplah flood studies
The villages of Humula and Mangoplah are located on the banks of tributary creeks of the Murrumbidgee River. They are subject to flood risks from localised overland flows and swollen creeks bursting their banks.
These flood studies will produce information on flood levels, velocities, flows, and hydraulic and provisional hazard categories for a full range of flood events.
Waverley Council
Floodplain risk mitigation plan – Waverley Council
Waverley Council covers an area of 9 square kilometres. There are significant redevelopment pressures from planned high rise, commercial development and rebuilding of older houses.
This project will identify planning controls and capital works programs to protect property and the community from future flooding issues.
Wentworth Shire Council
Wentworth flood study
This project will produce a state-of-the-art flood study for Wentworth and the surrounding areas. It will cover the Darling River south of Ellerslie, the Murray River downstream of Trentham Cliffs and the Darling Anabranch River downstream of Tara Downs Station, through to Warrananga station on the Murray River.
Wollondilly Shire Council
Shire-wide flood study – additional detail studies
This project involves the detailed examination of flooding in specific areas: Tahmoor, The Oaks and Appin, to produce information for use in a floodplain risk management study. To complement this work, this project will undertake detailed studies for the urban portions of Bargo, Yanderra, Buxton, Thirlmere, South Picton, Oakdale, Mount Hunter, Warragamba and Silverdale, where an estimated 1,500 properties have now been identified as flood affected. This will produce information for floodplain risk management studies in the future.
Stonequarry Creek floodplain risk management plan – investigation of floodway Clearance and voluntary purchase
This project combines two actions from the adopted Stonequarry Creek (Picton) floodplain risk management plan to enhance the flood resilience of Picton central business district:
- a feasibility study for the potential removal of buildings to clear a floodway for the conveyance of water from Stonequarry Creek through the Picton central business district, to determine if it is a viable option
- the investigation of a potential voluntary purchase scheme for Picton.
Stonequarry Creek floodplain risk management plan – investigation of western basins viability
This project will complete a feasibility study for a potential detention basin on Stonequarry Creek west of Picton, to determine if a basin or combination of basins is viable. This is an action from the adopted Stonequarry Creek (Picton) floodplain risk management plan, which aims to enhance the flood resilience of the Picton central business district.
It is important to determine if the detention basin option is viable. This study will better inform the Picton community of the options available to address the flood risk in the area.
Wollongong City Council
Lake Illawarra flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan
Lake Illawarra is a shallow coastal lagoon located between the ocean and the cliffs of the Illawarra escarpment. The Lake Illawarra catchment has an area of approximately 270 square kilometres, rising from sea level to 760 metres at Mount Murray.
This project will update the previous flood study (2001) and floodplain risk management study and plan (2012) to account for new Australian rainfall and runoff information (2019), catchment details and entrance management updates.
This project is a joint project with Wollongong City and Shellharbour City councils as the catchment managers on the north and south side of the lake.
Funding for these projects came from the NSW Government Floodplain Management Program.
The Floodplain Management Program funded 50 projects totalling $10,036,980.
Grant recipient/local government area | Project name |
Bathurst Regional Council | Bathurst flood plan update |
Bayside Council | Feasibility study and concept design of floodplain risk management options – Botany Bay foreshore beach catchment |
Bega Valley Shire Council | Bega and Brogo rivers floodplain risk management plan emergency access upgrade stage 2 |
Bland Shire Council | Ungarie voluntary house raising/purchase feasibility assessment |
Blue Mountains City Council | North Katoomba and North Leura flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan |
Bourke Shire Council | Louth levee feasibility study |
Burwood Council | Burwood Council local government area wide flood risk management study and plan |
Byron Shire Council | Debris control measures for Federation Bridge |
Camden Council | Detailed overland flow study of Narellan Creek catchment/Nepean River |
Carrathool Shire Council | Hillston riverbank stabilisation works construction – stage 4 |
Rankins Springs flood study/floodplain risk management study and plan | |
Central Coast Council | Review and update of 1994 Tuggerah Lakes flood study |
Cessnock City Council | Black Creek stage 2 floodplain risk management study and plan Greta floodplain risk management study and plan |
City of Canada Bay Council | Exile Bay floodplain risk management study and plan Powells Creek east floodplain risk management study and plan |
City of Canterbury Bankstown Council | Cooks River overland flow study – review and update |
Coffs Harbour City Council | Coffs Harbour City Council flash flood warning system upgrade Moonee Creek flood study review North Boambee Valley detention basin |
Coolamon Shire Council | Coolamon flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan |
Fairfield City Council | Mimosa Road detention basin upgrade – construction |
Greater Hume Shire Council | Culcairn flood mitigation works – construction |
Hawkesbury City Council | Redbank Creek flood study and floodplain risk management study and plan |
Kempsey Shire Council | Flood warning action implementation – Macleay River |
MidCoast Council | Taree central business district levee feasibility study and heritage impact assessment Upgrade of Croakers Creek flood gate |
Nambucca Valley Council | Upgrade to Councils flood warning system stage 2 – installation of one rainfall gauge at |