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A year in the Snowy and Snowy montane catchments: 2022–23

Outcomes from the use of water for the environment.


Connectivity along waterways and support for native vegetation, native fish, frogs and other animals were the focus of the pattern of releases for the Snowy, Geehi, Goodradigbee and upper Murrumbidgee rivers in 2022–23.

Key outcomes

Under a wet scenario, environmental water managers worked with partner agencies and stakeholders to coordinate the delivery of water for the environment to:

  • provide variable flows to the Snowy and upper Murrumbidgee rivers, with higher releases during winter and spring typical of snowmelt rivers
  • improve the condition of the Snowy River channel and provide suitable habitat for water-dependent animals such as macroinvertebrates and native fish
  • provide habitat diversity, suitable habitats and increase resource availability and productivity for water-dependent animals including macroinvertebrates, frogs, platypus, turtles and fish, as well as provide opportunities for breeding and recruitment
  • inundate wetlands and ponds to provide breeding opportunities for several native frog species including the whistling tree frog (Litoria verreauxii)
  • facilitate connectivity along multiple rivers, including the Snowy, upper Murrumbidgee, Geehi and Goodradigbee rivers.
Map of sites in the Snowy montane catchment where environmental water was delivered in the 2022–23 water year

Sites in the Snowy montane catchment where environmental water was delivered in the 2022–23 water year

Catchment conditions

The 2022–23 year La Niña weather conditions resulted in high rainfall in the Snowy and montane region.

Wet conditions in the southern Murray–Darling Basin provided an overall water allocation of 293,322 megalitres (ML) for the Snowy and Snowy montane rivers in 2022–23.

The pattern for releases included higher flow rates over winter, spring and early summer to reflect flow patterns typical of the mixed rainfall and snowmelt river system.

About the catchment

The Snowy River headwaters lie next to those of the Murray and Murrumbidgee rivers, together forming the alpine, sub-alpine and mountain catchments of these major rivers of south-east Australia. The Snowy catchment area totals 15,869 km² and the upper Murrumbidgee catchment covers 14,000 km².

The Snowy and Snowy montane rivers and tributaries have been diverted in full or part for hydro-electricity generation and irrigation purposes since the 1950s. In 2002, water for the environment releases were initiated in the Snowy River to help protect and restore some of its environmental values.

Unlike other inland river systems, annual daily releases of water for the environment for the Snowy and Snowy montane rivers are set before the start of the water year (that is, 1 May to 30 April). A ‘natural flow scaling’ approach is applied to the Snowy River by using the Thredbo River as a reference. The Thredbo River is a snowmelt river and is a similar size to the modified Snowy River below Jindabyne. Water managers used historical flow data from 1992–93 and 2010–11 for Thredbo River to design releases for the Snowy. A modified natural scaling approach is used for the upper Murrumbidgee River because there isn’t sufficient environmental water available to release water every day of the year.

Watering aims

Under a wet resource availability scenario, environmental water managers and the Snowy Advisory Committee for the Snowy and Snowy montane catchments developed the Annual plan for the Snowy and montane rivers increased flows 2022–23.

Objectives for the use of water for the environment were to:

  • provide daily variable flows for the Snowy and upper Murrumbidgee rivers with higher release rates during winter and spring that are typical of a snowmelt river
  • improve the Snowy River channel condition by providing several high flow events to reduce fine sediment and algae smothering, and clean riffles, cobbles and gravel by mobilising sediments
  • provide 3 high flow releases in the upper Murrumbidgee River to flush gravels and cobbles and create better habitat conditions before the Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) breeding season
  • inundate and connect low-level ponds and slack water areas during late winter and spring, and provide freshes in summer to support breeding and recruitment opportunities for flow-dependent frog species and other native fauna
  • provide natural daily flows to targeted Snowy montane streams to provide connectivity and maintain ecological functions.

With very wet conditions and high environmental water allocations, environmental water managers provided opportunities for water-dependent native plants and animals to breed and recruit in the Snowy and Snowy montane catchments.

Water delivery

These tables provide a summary of water for the environment delivered in the Snowy and Snowy montane catchments during the 2022–23 watering year.

Snowy River below Jindabyne flows

Accounts and sitesVolume allocated (ML)Actual volume(ML)Volume debited (ML)
Snowy River Increased Flows*192,065192,009192,009
Snowy base flow8,5008,5008,500
Jindabyne Dam spill**270,506

Snowy Montane Rivers Increased Flows

Accounts and sitesVolume allocated (ML)Actual volume(ML)Volume debited (ML)
 Geehi River via Middle and Strzelecki creeks22,70035,91422,700
Snowy River below Guthega via Falls Creek3,4003,3963,400
Snowy River below Island Bend via Diggers and Tolbar creeks18,90028,83318,900

Catchment total

Accounts and sitesVolume allocated (ML)Actual volume(ML)Volume debited (ML)

* The allocation of Snowy River Increased Flows was 215,310 ML. Of the allocation, a maximum of 212,000 ML is recognised by Snowy Hydro Limited for delivery. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is working on the status of the remaining balance of 3,310 ML. 18,700 ML was deducted from the 212,000 ML to repay a spill borrow from the 2021–22 water year.

** Very high inflows into Jindabyne Dam resulted in the dam spilling between 28 October 2022 and 2 November 2022, and 5 and 11 November 2022, with several periods of pre-releases (controlled spills for flood mitigation) from October 2022 to January 2023. Of the total 270,506 ML of water spilt from the dam, an estimated 16,000 ML will be treated as Snowy River Increased Flows ‘borrow’ to be repaid from future allocations.

Tributary inflows also resulted in multiple flooding events in the lower Snowy River.
The Snowy Montane Rivers Increased Flows (SMRIF) allocation to the Snowy montane rivers is scaled by a pre-determined gigawatt hour electricity opportunity cost, which is different for each of the river reaches. Except for the upper Murrumbidgee River, the volume of SMRIF debited is an agreed annual average. Each year the actual flows that pass through the delivery points change subject to the conditions. For example, the volume will be lower in dry years and in wet years, such as 2022–23, the flows will be higher. The upper Murrumbidgee releases are adjusted as required from Tantangara Dam.


In 2022–23 environmental water managers worked with stakeholders and the community to deliver water for the environment to the Snowy, upper Murrumbidgee, Geehi and Goodradigbee rivers. Environmental flows supported river connectivity to improve river health and provided important habitat for water-dependent native plants and animals including frogs, platypus and fish.

The high flows improved the health of the Snowy River by cleaning riffles and flushing sediments.

The high flows played a crucial role connecting ponds and small wetlands along the Snowy and upper Murrumbidgee rivers. Connection of these habitats supported breeding activities for a diversity of frog species. Water managers conducted frog monitoring and found 7 frog taxa, including the threatened alpine tree frog, in the Snowy and Snowy montane rivers.

The alpine tree frog, a subspecies of the broadly distributed whistling tree frog, is listed as endangered in New South Wales and vulnerable under Commonwealth legislation. This species occurs in alpine and sub-alpine zones or high country in south-eastern New South Wales and Victoria, usually above 1,100 m and mostly located within Kosciuszko National Park. The species was found at multiple locations along the upper Murrumbidgee and connected ponds. Monitoring teams also observed recently metamorphed juvenile frogs in December 2022.

Case study

Snowy River flushing flows

The development of the Snowy Hydro Scheme significantly altered the natural flow regime for the Snowy River. From 1967 to 2002 around 99% of natural flows in the upper Snowy were diverted for power generation and irrigation purposes in the Murrumbidgee and Murray catchments.

Environmental releases first started in the Snowy River in 2002. Environmental water managers designed high and flushing flows to be delivered to encourage scouring and in-channel erosion, with the aim of redefining the heavily sedimented river channel.

The long-term aim of this process is to return the Snowy River to a smaller, healthier montane river.

The physical riverbed structure, or geomorphology of the Snowy River channel has been monitored on several occasions since environmental flows commenced in 2002. This monitoring helps water managers understand how the river channel changes over time and whether environmental releases are helping the Snowy River become a healthy system again.

Environmental water managers work with other agencies including the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, the Bureau of Meteorology, State Emergency Services and Snowy Hydro Limited to reduce or postpone releases to avoid water levels that are higher than desired. In 2022–23, several events were superseded by significantly larger flood mitigation releases and one event was significantly reduced in size due to predicted downstream tributary inflows.

Alpine tree frog metamorph in the Upper Murrumbidgee River, Kosciuszko National Park

An alpine tree frog metamorph in the Upper Murrumbidgee River, Kosciuszko National Park