A NSW Government website

Species assessment reports and advice

A species assessment report, known as a Conservation Assessment Report under the Common Assessment Method, is now published as part of the final determination.


Assessment reports 

The NSW Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australian Government and other state and territory jurisdictions to implement a Common Assessment Method (CAM) of species using IUCN criteria. 

Species assessment reports were previously published from time to time on a needs basis and will continue to be published for species the Committee decides should not be included in the Schedules of the Act – for example, vagrant species. 

Assessment reports are provided below. However, confidential information relating to personal contacts and threatened species locations may have been removed. Information on the location of threatened species can be found in the BioNet Atlas or PlantNET or may be obtained under licence. 

Reports published before 25 August 2017 by the NSW Scientific Committee refer to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010. This legislation and regulation have been replaced by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017. 

Find out more about assessment and listing and the Common Assessment Method



Vagrant species 

'Vagrant species' refers to occasional records of species in New South Wales that are outside their normal distribution or habitat. The Committee considers that vagrant species should not be included in the Schedule of NSW threatened species.