If you've looked at the map on your property and are concerned about how it categorises your land, you can request a category explanation report or free map review.
Category explanation report
We can provide a category explanation report, which will give you a report and maps to explain the land categories on your property further.
You can request a free map review if you think the map is inaccurate. You or someone acting on your behalf can either:
- submit an enquiry form, or
- contact our Map Review Team.
You can complete an application form for a free map review when you've chatted with our team.
Map review
When requesting a map review, a map review officer will work with you to identify the types of information that can inform the review. We will generally need to understand the specific areas you want reviewed, the reasons for review and historical land management information. For some applications, the Map Review Team may contact you to schedule a site inspection, with your permission.
You may also want us to consider farm records such as:
- approximate dates of past clearing or cultivation events
- previous clearing consents such as property vegetation plans
- photos.
You should also provide information to show that you own, occupy, lease or manage the land as part of your request for an assessment or review of mapping errors on that land. Information that can be used to prove direct association to a landholding can include a local government rates notice, title certificate/search or lease agreement.
Request a free category explanation report or map review
If you would like a category explanation report or a map review, or you need any other information, please complete and submit this enquiry form.
Map reviews will always be available
Free map reviews and category explanation reports will be available at any time, even after the final map is published, so there is no need to rush if you are not planning on changes to your current native vegetation management activities.
Submitting a map review
When your application is received, it will be assigned to a Map Review Team case officer. Your case officer will contact you if more information is required to complete or assess your application.
Your application will then be assessed. This is done by checking the information you supply against the land category criteria specified in the Local Land Services Act and available datasets.
Our team may consult with other government staff in assessing your review. For some applications, we may contact you to schedule a site inspection, with your permission, to gather more information to support the review. For example, a threatened species expert may need to assess the vegetation on your property when considering if species or species habitat is present.
Map review process
We acknowledge that your time and patience are valuable. We aim to complete reviews within 40 days, although determinations can still be made after that time. In some cases, we need to obtain the information elsewhere, which may cause a delay – we will keep you informed.
We will be in touch as soon as a determination is made, and you will be provided with an explanation of the outcome of your map review application, including before and after review maps of your landholding.
You can request a further review if you have any new information and, if you disagree with the determination, you can appeal to the Land and Environment Court.
Map review determinations
A determination will be made on your map review application. You will then be provided with a notice of determination explaining the outcome of your map review application, including before and after maps of your landholding.
Map review outcomes
In the first instance, please contact your map review officer. They will run you through the map review assessment and determination process undertaken. You may seek a secondary review if you have additional information.
If you still disagree with the outcome of your map review assessment, you may appeal the map review decision at the Land and Environment Court. Any application to the Land and Environment Court must be made within 90 days of the map review determination being made by the department.