A NSW Government website

Park management

Find plans of management, statements of management intent, fire and pest management strategies, and other information about how we manage parks.

Aboriginal joint management is an arrangement between the state and Aboriginal owners and Custodians to share responsibility for the management of national parks, reserves and other areas.

If you are a ski resort operator, an alpine lodge or business owner or hold a lease in Kosciuszko National Park, this information is for you.

The NSW Bushfire Inquiry recognised the need to identify the most important natural and cultural assets in the national park estate so that special provision can be made for their conservation.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service engages the community and stakeholders at a state and local level.

Conservation management plans provide guidance and management information to protect our natural, cultural and historic heritage.

Read about the national parks Cycling Strategy, guidelines for implementation and updated Cycling Policy.

Read about our program to track the ecological health of NSW national parks.

Find out how we assess management of our national parks system through State of the Parks.

NSW national parks and reserves have specific fire management strategies to help the National Parks and Wildlife Service manage hazard reduction activities and bushfires.

The Historic Heritage Information Management System helps us manage information on over 10,000 heritage sites and items in our national parks system.

Read how Hill End Historic Site conserves an important part of the history of 19th century gold-mining in New South Wales.

Horse riding is allowed in some national parks. We manage this to make sure recreational opportunities are balanced with the protection of park values.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is developing a network of Great Walks to deliver world-class bushwalking experiences for visitors.

Surveys of domestic visitors to NSW national parks show a trend of increasing visitation.

Plans of management are legal documents we develop and maintain to guide how a park will be sustainably managed.

We hold environment protection licences under which we manage and monitor pollution at 4 sewage treatment plants in national parks.

Our management plans outline our strategy to protect and adaptively reuse the North Head Quarantine Station in Sydney Harbour National Park.

We prepare pest management strategies for each region in New South Wales.

This register lists information about leases, easements and rights of way granted under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service is establishing a network of 10 feral predator-free areas in NSW national parks.

The river red gum parks of the Riverina make up the largest protected area in New South Wales. They contain important natural habitats and ecosystems and significant cultural heritage.

Statements of management intent are available for parks and reserves without a plan of management. They outline the management principles and priorities for the park.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is the first national parks agency in Australia to adopt a zero-extinction target. We are committed to creating permanent strongholds for the conservation and recovery of threatened species.