Addendum to Light to Light Review of Environmental Factors
Modification of a determined Review of Environmental Factors in Beowa National Park
The proposal involves track realignment, reinstatement of tracks damaged by bushfire, creation of hut accommodation, formalisation of camping areas, upgrade works to precinct parking and small vehicle access trails, and some additional works.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923132-74-0
ID: EHG20240040
File: PDF 222.88 KB / Pages 10
Name: light-to-light-review-environmental-factors-addendum-240040.pdf
Appendices to addendum report
- Appendix 1: Camping platforms guidelines and construction package (PDF 6.1MB)
- Appendix 2: Structural design for camping platforms at Mowarry Point and Hegartys Bay (not publicly available)
- Appendix 3: Map of additional camp sites, Mowarry Point (PDF 628KB)
- Appendix 4: Map of interim camp sites, Hegartys Bay (PDF 442KB)
- Appendix 5: Aboriginal heritage impact permit (PDF 4.4MB) (not publicly available)
- Appendix 6: Biodiversity management plant – revised (PDF 7.5MB)
- Appendix 7: Preliminary Mowarry Point salvage excavation results to support variation to Aboriginal heritage impact permit (PDF 409KB) (not publicly available)