Surveys, monitoring and records Explore how we keep track of plants and animals in their habitat and use the data we collect to inform our programs to conserve them.photo_cameraOpen description The kingfisher pool in Heathcote National Park. closeClose descriptionImage Credit: Nick Cubbin/DCCEEW PlantNET Flora Online Search for plants using NSW Flora Online.open_in_new Threatened species profiles Search the threatened species database for detailed information about habitats, threats and conservation programs.open_in_new NSW BioNet Browse the NSW BioNet collections for species sightings, maps, data and other resources.east WildCount native animal monitoring Discover how the WildCount program monitors trends in native animal populations.east NSW Wildlife Drone Hub The NSW Wildlife Drone Hub connects wildlife managers with emerging drone technology.east Greater Sydney Biodiversity Survey Discover more about the amazing plants and animals that live in bushland near you.eastMore informationBat calls of New South WaleseastSEED environmental data portaleastSensitive species data policyeast