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Remediation orders register

This public register lists remediation orders issued under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

This table is regularly updated by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. If you require more information, contact the relevant department office.

The table is sorted by the date on which the decision was made.

Type of matter/activityDate issuedDuration of remediation orderLocal government area
A Remediation Order (DOC24/982109) (PDF 4.73MB) to control, abate or mitigate the damage and restore habitat of a threatened species or ecological community.17 December 20243 yearsBega Valley
A Remediation Order (DOC22/855983) (PDF 1.34MB) where native vegetation is allowed to regenerate, disturbances are minimised or omitted and exotic plants and animals are removed and excluded.14 November 202420 yearsGunnedah
A Remediation Order (DOC23/975320) (PDF 1.55MB) requiring native vegetation be allowed to regenerate, disturbances are minimised or omitted and exotic plants and animals are removed and excluded.12 November 202420 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (DOC23/698855) (PDF 2.75MB) was issued to restore and rehabilitate the habitat of a threatened species.10 October 202420 yearsYass Valley
A Remediation Order (DOC24/491657) (PDF 4.18MB) was issued to restore species’ habitat and vegetation damaged by the activity8 October 202450 yearsShoalhaven
A Remediation Order (DOC24/520313) (PDF 2.45MB) was issued to maintain, remediate and restore damaged native vegetation.6 August 202420 yearsUpper Hunter Shire
A Remediation Order (DOC24/504441) (PDF 2.19MB) was issued to carry out remediation work through removal of exotic species, abate human disturbances and prevent stock from accessing the site.6 August 202415 yearsKempsey
A Remediation Order (DOC24/504436) (PDF 1.53MB) was issued to carry out remediation work through removal of exotic species, abate human disturbances and prevent stock from accessing the site.6 August 202415 yearsKempsey
A Remediation Order (DOC24/290441) (PDF 15.58MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.27 July 202420 yearsGoulburn Mulwaree
A Remediation Order (DOC23/486460) (PDF 9.38MB) was issued to restore and rehabilitate the habitat of impacted threatened ecological communities and species.12 July 202415 yearsEurobodalla
A Remediation Order (202305894-1) (PDF 5MB) was issued to remediate damage caused by clearing of native vegetation.25 June 202415 yearsMurrumbidgee
A Remediation Order (202203719-1) (PDF 2.94MB) was issued to allow for native vegetation to naturally regenerate.17 June 202410 yearsBland
A Remediation Order (202304789-1) (PDF 4.12MB) was issued to remediate and restore the damaged area of the property.15 May 202425 yearsBland
A Remediation Order (202002372-23) (PDF 3.24MB) was issued to maintain, remediate or restore damaged native vegetation.8 March 202425 yearsWollondilly
A Remediation Order (DOC23/794979) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued for the preparation of a remediation plan and subsequent remediation work to rehabilitate and restore native vegetation within the remediation area.8 January 202430 yearsGoulburn Mulwaree
A Remediation Order (202203878-1) (PDF 7.59MB) was issued to rehabilitate and restore the remediation area.11 December 202325 yearsBerrigan Shire
A Remediation Order (DOC23/1076268) (1.82MB) to carry out remediation work through removal of exotic species, abate human disturbances and prevent stock from accessing the site to remediate or restore damaged native vegetation on category-2 regulated land.8 December 202315 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (DOC23/923982) (PDF 33.5MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.23 October 202320 yearsGoulburn Mulwaree
A Remediation Order (DOC23/639128) (PDF 7.9KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.1 September 202320 yearsWingecarribee
A Remediation Order (DOC23/777133) (PDF 5.32MB) was issued for the preparation of a remediation plan and subsequent remediation work to rehabilitate and restore native vegetation within the remediation area.1 September 202312 years Shoalhaven
A Remediation Order (DOC23/298631) (PDF 28.58MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.11 August 202315 yearsGolburn Mulwaree
A Remediation Order (DOC17/547493) (PDF 14.44MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.10 August 20232.5 years Moree Plains 
A Remediation Order (DOC23/640403) (PDF 3.66MB) was issued to exclude stock from the remediation area for the duration of the order.21 July 20232 years Armidale Regional
A Remediation Order (DOC23/598872) (PDF 1.87MB) was issued to maintain, remediate or restore damaged native vegetation.7 July 202315 yearsPort Macquarie–Hastings
A Remediation Order (202204021-1b) (PDF 4.38MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.10 May 202315 yearsCarrathool
A Remediation Order (DOC23/78889) (9.88 MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.27 April 202312 years Eurobodalla
A Remediation Order (DOC23/213406) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued to carry out work required for the retention of native vegetation within the remediation area.
16 March 202320 yearsEurobodalla
A Remediation Order (DOC22/1016443) (PDF 365KB) was issued for the preparation of a remediation plan and subsequent remediation work to rehabilitate and restore native vegetation within the remediation area.17 February 202325 yearsBega Valley
A Remediation Order (DOC22/803706) (PDF 2.8MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
13 February 202315 yearsShoalhaven
A Remediation Order (DOC22/951162) (PDF 5.0KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.10 February 202310 yearsShoalhaven
A Remediation Order (202102617-1) (PDF 14MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
3 February 202320 yearsWentworth
A Remediation Order (DOC22/708211) (PDF 20.1MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.9 January 202315 yearsWarren
A Remediation Order (DOC22/1071339) (PDF 1.1MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for protection of native vegetation within the remediation area.16 December 202225 yearsShoalhaven
A Remediation Order (DOC22/690919) (PDF 9.3KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
14 December 202212 yearsBogan
A Remediation Order (DOC22/1011510) (PDF 4.6MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for protection of native vegetation within the remediation area.6 December 202212 years Shoalhaven
A Remediation Order (980628) (PDF 14MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
11 November 202220 yearsKempsey
A variation to Remediation Order (18505-2018-2) (PDF 92KB) was issued, following a review of the order by the department, to correct minor errors.18 October 202230 yearsWentworth
A Remediation Order (DOC22/909096) (PDF 2.06MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.27 October 202220 yearsWingecarribee
A Remediation Order (I16164-2017) (PDF 911KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.5 September 202215 yearsWalgett
A Remediation Order (201900801) (PDF 1.7MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for protection of native vegetation within the remediation area.29 August 20225 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (DOC22/182663) (PDF 10.09MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.31 August 202215 yearsEurobodalla
A Remediation Order (202102684) (PDF 827KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.1 August 20225 yearsLachlan
A Remediation Order (202001750) (PDF 1.0MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.22 July 202220 yearsNarrabri
A Remediation Order (202102532-1b) (PDF 1.9MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.5 July 202215 yearsBland
A Remediation Order (202102532-1a) (PDF 1.9MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.5 July 202215 yearsBland
A Remediation Order (202102465) (PDF 6.6MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.8 June 202215 yearsGwydir
A Remediation Order (18505-2018-2) (PDF 1.0MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.11 May 202230 yearsWentworth
A Remediation Order (DOC22-316894) (PDF 948KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of threatened species within the remediation area.22 April 20225 yearsCentral Coast
A Remediation Order (201900293) (PDF 1.1MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 April 202220 yearsWalgett
A Remediation Order (DOC21/854341) (PDF 0.8MB) was issued to exclude stock and control weeds in the remediation area.9 March 20227 yearsCentral Coast
A Remediation Order (201900472) (PDF 984KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.7 March 202215 yearsBogan
A Remediation Order (I16650-2018) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
11 February 2022
20 years
Liverpool Plains
A Remediation Order (DOC22/78146) (PDF 1.21MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area. 10 February 202220 yearsWalcha
A Remediation Order (DOC22/92142) (PDF 1.21MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.10 February 202220 yearsWalcha
Remediation Order (202102757) (PDF 6.04MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.4 February 202210 yearsBogan
Remediation Order (202002172-2) (PDF 2.7 MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.27 January 202225 yearsCoffs Harbour
Remediation Order (202002172-1) (PDF 2.7MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
27 January 202225 yearsCoffs Harbour 
A Remediation Order (202102395) (PDF 4.69MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.21 December 202120 yearsDubbo regional
A variation to Remediation Order (11685-2018-1) (PDF 4MB) was issued following agreement between the Remediator and the department to vary the area to which the order applies and the activities allowable therein.18 October 202125 yearsFederation
A Remediation Order (202102407-1) (PDF 6.56MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.01 October 202125 yearsBland
A Remediation Order (202002115-1) (PDF 8.07MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 September 202125 yearsBland
A Remediation Order (02867-2017) (PDF 2.03MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.20 August 202119 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (201900223-3) (PDF 919KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.
20 August 202120 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (202102565-1) (PDF 5.97MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.16 August 202125 yearsBerrigan
A variation to Remediation Order (201900947) (PDF 1.5MB) was issued following agreement between the Remediator and the department to vary the area to which the order applies.20 June 202125 yearsWalcha
A Remediation Order (201900456) (PDF 843KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.28 May 202120 yearsLiverpool Plains Shire
A variation to Remediation Order (DOC21/80088-4) (PDF 9.1MB) was issued following agreement between the Remediator and the department to correct several minor details.20 May 202113 yearsInverell
A Remediation Order (01548-2020-1) (PDF 7.19MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.19 May 202125 yearsGreater Hume
A Remediation Order (03600-2017) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.13 May 202120 yearsInverell
Remediation Order (341880) (PDF 2.4MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.10 May 202115 yearsCoffs Harbour
A Remediation Order (341878) (PDF 2.4MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.10 May 202115 yearsCoffs Harbour
Remediation Order (202001400) (PDF 1.0MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.6 May 202115 yearsEurobodalla
Remediation Order (191404) (PDF 2.1MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.15 April 202110 yearsBogan Shire Council
Remediation Order (709956) (PDF 1.0MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 April 202115 yearsGwydir Shire Council
Remediation Order (760744) (PDF 587KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of damaged threatened species and a threatened ecological community and regeneration of native vegetation and threatened species habitat within the remediation area.13 April 202115 yearsNarrabri Shire Council
Remediation Order (168785) (PDF 808KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.13 April 202115 yearsMoree
Remediation Order (148191) (PDF 981KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.13 April 202115 yearsMoree
Remediation Order (17198-2018) (PDF 1.5MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.13 April 202119 yearsWalgett
A variation to Remediation Order (DOC21/64639-10) (PDF 9.1MB) was issued following agreement between the Remediator and the department to correct several minor details.31 March 202113 yearsInverell
A Remediation Order (708259) (PDF 1.5MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation and fauna habitat within the remediation area.19 February 202115 yearsNarrabri Shire Council
A Remediation Order (70168) (PDF 500KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation within the remediation area.12 February 202125 yearsUralla Shire
A Remediation Order (61215) (PDF 620KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation within the remediation area.12 February 202125 yearsWalcha Shire
A Remediation Order (64639) (PDF 600KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation within the remediation area.12 February 202115 yearsInverell
A Remediation Order (80088) (PDF 600KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation within the remediation area.12 February 202115 yearsInverell
A Remediation Order (1018491-1) (PDF 700KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation including wetland vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.10 February 202113 yearsCoffs Harbour
A Remediation Order (11685-2018-1) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.5 February 202125 yearsFederation
A Remediation Order (707338) (PDF 1.7MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.3 February 202120 yearsCoonamble
A Remediation Order (849890) (PDF 1.1MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.2 February 202110 yearsWalgett
A Remediation Order (16474) (PDF 865KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 January 202125 yearsClarence Valley
A Remediation Order (1027244) (PDF 865KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 January 202125 yearsClarence Valley
A Remediation Order (1015132) (PDF 1.87MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 January 202125 yearsUralla
A Remediation Order (17102) (PDF 1.81MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for rehabilitation, revegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.14 January 202125 yearsUralla
A Remediation Order (15612) (PDF 120KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.13 January 202125 yearsCoffs Harbour
A Remediation Order (13245) (PDF 120KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.13 January 202125 yearsCoffs Harbour
A Remediation Order (707529) (PDF 1.1MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.17 December 202020 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (708264) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.10 December 202015 yearsWalgett
A Remediation Order (201900469-02) (PDF 0.5MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.9 December 202020 yearsWalgett
A Remediation Order (832141) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.23 November 202015 yearsMoree Plains
A Remediation Order (1013403) (PDF 1.2MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared remnant native vegetation within the remediation area.19 November 202020 years for remediation of Area A 
1 year for remediation of Area B
Remediation Order (577289) (PDF 2.6MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawfully cleared native vegetation and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.25 September 20209 yearsShoalhaven City
A Remediation Order (C0003889) (PDF 1.95MB) was issued following agreement between the Remediator and the department to vary activities allowable within the remediation area.1 September 202020 yearsWalgett
A Remediation Order (09239-2018-1) (PDF 6.11MB) was issued to maintain, remediate and restore the damaged area.7 July 202020 yearsWollondilly
A Remediation Order (08214-2018-1) (PDF 2.6MB) was issued following assessment of the progress of remediation and compliance with the terms of the order to recognise geographical changes made to the boundary of the remediation area.1 July 2020N/AWagga Wagga
A Remediation Order (00073-2011) (PDF 6.7MB) was issued for the transfer of responsibilities to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area after transfer of ownership of the property.22 June 20206 yearsMoree
A Remediation Order (11688-2018-1) (PDF 6.2MB) was issued after unlawful clearing to allow regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.25 May 202015 yearsGriffith
A Remediation Order (201900351-1) (PDF 5.6MB) was issued after unlawful clearing to allow regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.20 May 202050 yearsMurray River
A Remediation Order (20190041-1)  (PDF 9.7MB) was issued over remnant vegetation to offset the unlawful clearing of paddock trees on the property.26 March 2020
15 yearsLachlan Shire
A Remediation Order (08214-2018-1) (PDF 3.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required for the offset of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.6 January 202015 years City of Wagga Wagga
A Remediation Order (201900595) (PDF 2.1MB) was issued to transfer responsibilities to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area to new owners after transfer of property.1 November 201915 yearsCarrathool Shire
A Remediation Order (DOC18/242326) (PDF 700KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.25 June 201920 yearsMoree Plains Shire Council
A Remediation Order (C0003877) (PDF 260KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.25 June 201920 yearsWalgett Shire Council
A Remediation Order (13726–2016) (PDF 1.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.25 June 201920 yearsNarrabri Shire Council
A Remediation Order (01019-2019-2) (PDF500KB) was issued to carry out remediation work in order to control, abate and mitigate unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation within the designated remediation area within the property.13 June 201915 yearsEurobodalla Shire Council
A Remediation Order (C0003657) (PDF 1.9MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.2 April 201920 yearsMoree Plains Shire Council
A Remediation Order (C0004394) (PDF 5.9MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.4 February 20195 yearsRichmond Valley Council
A Remediation Order (C0003248) (PDF 530KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.11 September 201815 yearsClarence Valley Council
A Remediation Order (C0002694) (PDF 1.4MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.18 June 201815 yearsRichmond Valley Council
A Remediation Order (C0003614) (PDF 540KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair, maintenance, remediation and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and regeneration of native vegetation within the designated remediation area within the property.1 June 201815 yearsMid-Coast Council
A Remediation Order (C0003151) (PDF 650KB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation containing threatened species habitat, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.4 May 201815 yearsPort Macquarie Hastings Council
A Remediation Order (10916-2015) (PDF 12.3MB) was issued to carry out remediation work required to provide for the repair and rehabilitation of unlawful cleared remnant native vegetation, and planting and regeneration of native vegetation within the remediation area.1 February 201815 yearsCarrathool Shire Council