The committee advises on a range of issues, including identification, assessment and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage, heritage impact permit processes, management plans and legislative reform.
We recognise and celebrate the oldest living culture in the world. Through our own collaborative work with Indigenous communities, we strive for a more equitable, respectful, and fully reconciled country. We are all in this together and we all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation.
Statement from the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, Heritage Council of NSW and Heritage NSW
Our vision
That Aboriginal peoples' Country, culture, physical and spiritual connection to their land and waters is recognised, cared for and respected by all people, today and in the future.
Terms of reference
The purpose, responsibilities, operations and other rules governing the committee are provided in the terms of reference.
Strategic priorities
The committee has determined 5 strategic priorities to help us achieve our vision. Each priority has a focus and actions to align with the priorities. Our most fundamental priority is the reform of the legislation governing Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The committee meets bimonthly and may, by resolution, hold one regional meeting per year. Ordinary meetings are otherwise held in the Sydney metropolitan region.
Heritage NSW provides administrative and logistical support to the committee.
Committee members have diverse knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture and heritage. This knowledge is unique because it comes from our own experiences of working on Country in their local communities. Our membership reflects the diversity of the Aboriginal population of New South Wales.
Members must comply with the committee's code of conduct.
The committee members are:
- Mr Steven Meredith (Co-Presiding Member)
- Ms Patricia Laurie (Co-Presiding Member)
- Cr Leeanne Hampton
- Ms Natalie Rotumah
- Mr Warlpa Thompson
- Mr Peter Townsend
- Ms Rowena Welsh-Jarrett
- Mr Edward Whyman
- Mr Bert Gordon.