In September 2021 we established the Light to Light Walk Stakeholder Reference Group to ensure the views of the local community are considered in developing the Light to Light Walk.
The group includes the following local representatives:
- Bega Valley Bushwalkers (Inc)
- Bega Valley Shire Council
- DPI Fisheries – Far South Coast Fisheries Office – Eden
- Destination Southern NSW
- Eden Business Chamber of Commerce
- Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council
- Far South Coast National Parks Association (NPA)
- Merimbula Business Chamber of Commerce
- NSW Port Authority
- Sapphire Coast Boardriders
- Sapphire Coast Destination Marketing
- Thaua Country Aboriginal Corporation.
The group held their first meeting in late September 2021 and continue to meet with the National Parks and Wildlife Service throughout the planning and construction phases of the project. The group's function includes providing input and advice to us on environmental, cultural assessments, stakeholder engagement and visitor experience.
Light to Light Walk, Ben Boyd National Park