A NSW Government website

Risk management

The principal aim of fire management is to reduce the risk that fires pose to life, property and cultural heritage.


We also implement fire regimes that will minimise extinction risk and maintain biodiversity, as defined under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

These objectives sometimes come into conflict, for example when activities designed to reduce the risk to human life and property increase the risk to natural heritage. The task is complex and expensive.

For this reason, research is directed towards understanding:

What are we doing?

The Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub will deliver research to help fire managers develop strategies to achieve acceptable trade-offs between the protection of life and property, human health and environmental values.

Our research will account for future climatic and anthropogenic changes across the diverse landscapes of New South Wales. The department will use this research to define policy directions for planned burning and assist with the implementation of bushfire risk management plans and reserve fire management strategies.

Firefighter lighting up grass along a track.

Lighting up Bongil Bongil National Park