Colo River, Wollemi and Blue Mountains National Parks: Wild River Assessment 2008
The Colo River and its 4 subcatchments, which largely fall within the Blue Mountains and Wollemi National Parks, have been assessed and found to meet the criteria for wild rivers.
Publisher: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74293-066-4
ID: DECCW20101039
File: PDF 423.15 KB / Pages 23
Name: colo-river-wollemi-blue-mountains-national-parks-wild-river-assessment-101039.pdf
The Colo River is located within the Hawkesbury–Nepean catchment and consists of 4 subcatchments: the Colo, Wolgan, Capertree and Wollemi. The biological assessment these subcatchments found they supported a high diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates or small animals, which is an indicator of good water quality. The landscape and waterflows of the subcatchments were also found to be in good condition, indicating the Colo River and its feeder rivers are in good health.