A NSW Government website

Protecting wetlands

The conservation of wetlands is guided by the NSW Wetlands Policy, the Ramsar Convention and state and national programs.

Waterhold at dusk

Human activity, pests and weeds and climate change are some of the main threats to wetlands.

Australian white ibis (Threskiornis molucca)

Find out about the programs, policies and activities that help threatened wetlands survive and thrive.

Coolabah at Gingham Watercourse, Gwydir Wetlands

There are 12 principles that guide the way wetlands are looked after and preserved.

Eastern water dragon (Intellagama lesueurii)

Find out which wetland communities are listed as endangered, and why.

Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve aerial view

Twelve NSW wetlands are listed under an international convention that aims to protect their ecological character.


Many NSW wetlands are nationally significant, protected under a coastal planning policy or in national parks.