Karuah, Medowie and Wallaroo Group Plan of Management
Incorporating Karuah National Park, Wallaroo National Park, Karuah State Conservation Area, Medowie State Conservation Area, Karuah Nature Reserve and Medowie Nature Reserve
The parks protect important remnant vegetation communities in the lower Hunter Valley and will provide an increasingly valuable conservation resource into the future. Several vulnerable plant and animal species and two endangered ecological communities have been recorded in the parks. The parks also protect several Aboriginal sites and a convict-built road.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 requires that a plan of management be prepared for each national park, state conservation area and nature reserve, and allows for a single plan to cover a combination of contiguous or related parks. A draft plan of management for the parks (then known as the Karuah, Medowie and Wallaroo Group of Reserves) was placed on exhibition from 27 January 2012 until 30 April 2012. The submissions received on the draft plan were carefully considered before adopting this plan.