State of the Beaches 2019–20: Illawarra region
Summary of the performance of 21 swimming sites in the Illawarra region.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922431-57-8
ID: EES20200304
File: PDF 4.03 MB / Pages 55
Name: state-of-beaches-2019-2020-illawarra-200304.pdf
State of the beaches 2019–20 regional reports
- North Coast region (PDF 3.5MB)
- Hunter region (PDF 4.0MB)
- Central Coast region (PDF 5.3MB)
- Sydney region (PDF 15.8MB)
- South Coast region (PDF 5.6MB)
Beachwatch report cards 2019–20
A report card is a 2-page summary for each region.