Coramba Nature Reserve Plan of Management
Coramba Nature Reserve was reserved to protect one of the few remaining stands of lowland rainforest along the Orara River. ‘Lowland Rainforest on floodplain in the North Coast bioregion’ is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.
Coramba Nature Reserve is an island remnant of native vegetation in an otherwise highly modified floodplain. While disturbed in parts, the lowland rainforest in the reserve generally comprises a closed canopy forest characterised by high species richness and structural complexity. A successful rainforest regeneration program and weed control program has been carried out which has enhanced the natural values of the reserve.
The reserve forms part of a critical regional habitat corridor, known as the Orara Valley Corridor. Focal species for this corridor include the rufous bettong, yellow-bellied glider and long nosed potoroo.
Photo: Coramba Nature Reserve / R Cleary Seen Australia/OEH