A NSW Government website

Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map

The Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map (BIO Map) is a key deliverable of the NSW Government's $40 million Green Corridors program.


The Green Corridors Program is a government priority action identified in NSW 2021: A plan to make NSW number one (PDF 843KB).

The map was prepared with funding provided by the NSW Environmental Trust.

The BIO Map project aims to achieve better biodiversity outcomes by directing biodiversity investment funding to the strategic locations of greatest benefit.

BIO Map has been developed as a pilot in 2 subregions in the Sydney Basin by working with stakeholders in the Cumberland subregion (western Sydney) and the Illawarra. The areas identified for investment within these subregions, termed priority investment areas, include core areas and biodiversity corridors of state and regional significance.

The BIO Map has been made publicly available to help guide government and private investment to achieve the best results in keeping our bushland and creeks healthy for communities to enjoy now and into the future.

A landholder's right to carry out agricultural and developmental activities on their land are not altered by their property being identified as a priority investment area on the BIO Map. The BIO Map identifies areas where landowners have more opportunities to receive funding to protect their bushland. Any involvement by a landowner in such programs is entirely voluntary.

More information on the BIO Map is available on the project's questions and answers page. The BIO Map spatial data can be downloaded from SEED (search using the term 'BIO Map').