Audley Masterplan
Incorporating the Conservation Management Plan and Visitor Management Strategy for Audley, Royal National Park
Audley is located in the Royal National Park where Kangaroo Creek joins the Hacking River. The river comprises a central freshwater body upstream and a saltwater body downstream of Audley, around which recreational picnic ground and facilities have evolved within the floodzone of the two drainage catchments.
Together with Lady Carrington Drive and the coastal cabin communities, the Audley precinct is one of the significant cultural landscapes within Royal National Park.
Commonly known as a pleasure ground or picnic ground, Audley is the oldest of the cultural landscapes within the park developed for recreational purposes.
The cultural significance of Audley at a state level was given legislative status in 1999, when it was listed as the Audley historic recreational complex on the NSW State Heritage Register.
The basis of significance rests in Audley's role as a focal point for visitors since the establishment of the park in 1879, and as a physical record of all phases of the park's development.
- Audley Masterplan (PDF 18MB)
- Core Village Area (PDF 647KB)
- Audley Approaches (PDF 10.1MB)
- Audley Core Sections, Indicative Signage and Interpretive Installations (PDF 11MB)
- Audley sewerage scheme sheet 1 of 2 (PDF 85KB)
- Audley sewerage scheme sheet 2 of 2 (PDF 82KB)