Native Vegetation Integrity Benchmarks
Release notes supporting Static Benchmarks June 2019 (Version 1.2)
This document describes major changes to BioNet Vegetation Classification data collection.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-925974-83-6
ID: EES20190428
File: PDF 1.98 MB / Pages 52
Name: native-vegetation-integrity-benchmarks-release-notes-190428.pdf
This document focuses on the changes in static benchmarks between Version 1.1 (August 2017) and Version 1.2 (June 2019). These changes have resulted from improvements to empirical data and long-term average rainfall prediction. These release notes also document the new confidence ratings and summed cover capping applied to Version 1.2 benchmarks.
Note: data linked with this report is approved for use in the BAM Calculator as at June 2019. The status of these data may change over time. Refer to the BioNet Vegetation Classification data collection or the BAM Calculator to confirm status, and to access the latest data.