A NSW Government website

Commercial licence conditions, fees and forms

Kangaroos are protected in New South Wales by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, it is an offence to harm, buy or sell kangaroos for commercial purposes without a licence.


Licencing policy

Licences are issued in accordance with the Commercial Kangaroo Management Program Licencing policy.

All licences are granted on an annual basis. All licences expire on 31 December of the year that the licence applies.

2024 licence conditions

All Kangaroo Management Program licences have licence conditions that apply to them.

Conditions can be amended during the licence period. If this occurs, the licensee will be notified in writing.

It is an offence to contravene any condition of a licence.

Non-commercial licences to harm kangaroos are not issued by the commercial kangaroo management program. Non-commercial applications need to be submitted to the appropriate National Parks and Wildlife Service Area office that manages the region the property is located in.

2024 licensing year application and registration fees

Licences and registrations are issued on a calendar year basis.

Licence/registrationFull calendar yearFrom 1 July
Professional Kangaroo Harvester Licence$894$447
Landholder Kangaroo Harvester Licence$223Full year fee only
Animal Dealer (Kangaroo) Licence$5,571$2,785.50
Animal Dealer (Kangaroo Skin) Licence$2,006$1,003
Registration of chiller premises$390/premises$195/premises
Registration of premises (skin dealer)$281/premises$140.50/premises
Commercial tags$1.17 per tag / ($58.50 per 50) 
*Postage is an extra charge

Species available for commercial harvest per zone in 2024

Species availability and zone closures are subject to change in accordance with the NSW Commercial Kangaroo Harvest Management Plan.

View maps of the NSW commercial kangaroo management zones.

Zone number and nameRedEastern GreyWestern GreyWallaroo
16 – SoutheastAvailable
48 – Central Tablelands NorthAvailable
49 – Central Tablelands SouthAvailable
09 – ArmidaleAvailableAvailable
13 – Glenn InnesAvailableAvailable
14 – Upper HunterAvailableAvailable
08 – NarrabriAvailableAvailable
10 – CoonabarabranAvailableAvailableAvailable
17 – Griffith NorthClosedAvailableAvailable
18 – Griffith SouthAvailableAvailableAvailable
04 – Lower DarlingAvailableAvailableAvailable
06 – CobarAvailableAvailableAvailable
01 – TibooburraAvailableAvailableAvailable
02 – Broken HillAvailableAvailableAvailable
07 – BourkeAvailableAvailableAvailable


Applications for all categories of licences and tag applications are made via the Wildlife Management System (WMS).

Animal Dealer (Kangaroo) and Skin Dealer (Kangaroo) licensees are required to use the Wildlife Management System for all licensing and reporting activities.

You can access information about the Wildlife Management System via the Wildlife Management System support and resources page.

2024 Forms for Professional Kangaroo Harvesters

2024 Forms for Animal Dealer (Kangaroo)

Contact us

Kangaroo Management Program Team

Phone: 1300 173 376

Email: [email protected]