Tabbimoble Swamp Nature Reserve Plan of Management
The reserve is part of an important corridor of lowland coastal vegetation, protecting swamp sclerophyll forest and freshwater wetland endangered ecological communities. Eighteen threatened species are known to occur in the reserve, including six species which are considered threatened at a national level.
Tabbimoble Swamp Nature Reserve is part of the traditional lands of the Bundjalung People and is adjacent to the Minyumai Indigenous Protected Area. It is part of a group of parks where the Bundjalung People’s native title rights have been recognised.
This plan contains a number of actions to protect our natural environment, including protection of threatened species and communities, control of pest plants and animals, and fire management to protect life, property and biodiversity. It also fosters partnerships with Aboriginal people through ongoing consultation and involvement of Bundjalung People regarding management of the reserve, and implementation of any negotiated Indigenous Land Use Agreement or other joint management arrangements.
Being a nature reserve, provision for visitor use is not a priority for management. However, the plan provides for low-key, nature-based day use and activities such as birdwatching, cycling on management trails and bushwalking.