Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park Plan of Management
Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park is located on the floodplain of the Macleay River approximately 25 kilometres north-east of Kempsey on the mid-north coast of NSW.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74359-197-0
ID: OEH20130495
File: PDF 994.52 KB / Pages 32
Name: yarrahapinni-wetlands-national-park-plan-of-management-130495.pdf
Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park contains important estuarine habitats and a number of endangered ecological communities, including saltmarsh, littoral rainforest, swamp sclerophyll forest, swamp oak forest and freshwater wetlands.
It also contains part of the highly significant Clybucca-Stuarts Point midden complex and some of the connecting traditional pathways used by the Aboriginal community to access this complex.