As an assessor, you must meet the following obligations under the code of conduct:
- comply with the conditions of accreditation
- notify the department in writing of any changed circumstances affecting the fit and proper declaration submitted with an accreditation application
- maintain high standards of professional conduct when providing independent, consistent and objective advice based on adequate knowledge
- provide a truthful opinion on any matter submitted to them for advice or opinion, not give false or misleading information or statements and not conceal or omit information on any relevant conservation, market, environmental or scientific matter
- not state a fact to support a client that will not be capable of support by available data
- convey accurately to the client formal qualifications, expertise and experience and not mislead or omit information
- operate within the fields of their competence and engage with additional and appropriate expertise when required
- ensure that staff and/or contractors completing tasks under their directive are operating within their competencies
- be personally accountable for the validity of all data collected, analyses performed or reports developed by them, and for the scrutiny of all data collected, analyses performed or reports developed under their direction
- ensure thorough quality control measures are in place to confirm the correctness and validity of all work prepared by them or by staff or contractors under their direction
- to not undertake professional activities in a manner involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or bias
- not advertise or conduct themselves in a manner that will bring disrepute to the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme or the Minister
- not act in circumstances where there is actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest
- cooperate with and provide the necessary and requested information to the Environment Agency Head during an audit or when otherwise requested
- maintain ecological or equivalent fieldwork skills and maintain a truthful written record of continuing professional development during the period of accreditation.