Barwon-Darling Long-Term Water Plan Part B: Barwon-Darling planning units
The Barwon-Darling Long-Term Water Plan Part B describes the flow regimes required to maintain or improve environmental outcomes in the Barwon-Darling at a planning planning unit scale.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922317-89-6
ID: EES20200113
File: PDF 2.93 MB / Pages 110
Name: barwon-darling-long-term-water-plan-part-b-planning-units-200113.pdf
To address variation along the Barwon–Darling River, the Barwon–Darling Long-Term Water Plan (LTWP) has been divided into 14 planning units. This document, which forms Part B of the LTWP, provides the following local-scale information for each planning unit:
- the location of priority environmental assets identified as part of LTWP development.
- the ecological values, including native fish and waterbird species, and native vegetation communities that occur within the planning units’ priority environmental assets.
- objectives for native fish, showing relevant species. The objectives for each planning unit are outlined in Part A of the LTWP (Appendix B). Only native fish objectives are shown in Part B as these objectives are highly species specific, so the species are listed with the objectives here.
- environmental water requirements (EWRs) to support key ecological values and related LTWP objectives and targets are presented for representative gauge/s in the planning unit.
- an evaluation of the impact of water resource development on local hydrology and recommended management strategies for mitigating these changes to meet LTWP objectives and targets.