A NSW Government website

Vegetation and ground cover trends following the exclusion of stock at three sites in the Snowy Mountains NSW

Since 1953, the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales has maintained a number of regeneration areas in the catchments of the Snowy Mountains to investigate regeneration patterns in snowgrass tussock grassland and snowgum, woodland after exclusion from grazing.
Publisher: Soil Conservation Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 1.19 MB / Pages 0
Name: vegetation-ground-cover-trends-exclusion-stock-three-sites-snowy-mountains.pdf
Tags: Land and soilAnimals and plants

Following the removal of livestock the following trends were found: increased re-generation of snowgum seedlings; decreased shrub component on the deeper soils, the pattern of decrease being dependent upon the species of shrub encountered; regression towards the climax mean ground cover in both stable and open snowgrass tussock swards.