Yatteyattah Nature Reserve Plan of Management
The reserve protects the main southern occurrence of subtropical rainforest, the southern limit of Ficus-Streblus-Dendrocnide-Cassine dry rainforest sub-alliance and several native plant species that are regionally rare or at their southern limit. It also includes areas of forest red gum ( Eucalyptus tereticornis) and thin-leaved stringybark ( E. eugenioides), both of which are poorly represented in conservation reserves.
The reserve contains one of the most southerly roosting and maternity sites for the greyheaded flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). It provides habitat for several uncommon birds, including the threatened powerful owl (Ninox strenua) and is an important food source for nomadic fruit-eating birds, some of which are at their southern limit of distribution.
Because of its small size and significance, management emphasis in the reserve will be on maintenance of its ecological integrity and habitat values. Weed control and monitoring, regeneration of previously disturbed areas and fauna surveys will be the main management programs in the foreseeable future.
Public use of the reserve will be allowed for educational purposes but limits may be placed on numbers, group sizes and visits to the flying-fox camp. The impacts of public use will be monitored.