A NSW Government website

Review of the bitou bush and boneseed TAP

The Bitou TAP Review assesses the implementation of the Bitou bush and Boneseed Threat Abatement Plan (Bitou TAP).


The NSW Bitou Bush and Boneseed Threat Abatement Plan (Bitou TAP) was released in 2006. After 5 years of implementation, the TAP was reviewed in 2011 as required under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995The review’s findings are presented in the Bitou TAP Review.

Review findings

The review assessed the plan's implementation against the 8 Bitou TAP objectives. Of these, 5 were achieved, one was partially achieved and 2 were not achieved over the last 5 years. Some key achievements of the Bitou TAP include:

  • Bitou bush management occurred on 157 priority sites, with most sites being the highest priority (control category 1).
  • Standardised site management plans were developed and implemented for 57% of high priority sites.
  • Mapping has revealed that the density of bitou bush was reduced in national bitou bush containment zones and the containment lines had receded.
  • Monitoring programs were established at 76 sites and bitou bush abundance was reduced across priority sites, from a median cover of 26% to 50% in 2007 to 05% in 2011.
  • Where sufficient site monitoring data was available, results indicated an increase in the abundance of native plant species.
  • Key resources were developed and provided to stakeholders to increase their capacity to implement the Bitou TAP, including a best practice management manual, a monitoring manual and a field plant identification guide.
  • Over 120 community groups assisted site managers with on-ground control.
  • The 5 former coastal catchment management authorities and the Office of Environment and Heritage received significant Australian Government funds to implement the Bitou TAP.

Existing Bitou TAP sites were incorporated into the biodiversity priorities for widespread weeds (BPWW) and Saving our Species programs to protect targeted threatened species.