Niemeyera chartacea (a tree) - endangered species listing
The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the tree Niemeyera chartacea (Bailey) C. White as an ENDANGERED species on Part 1 of Schedule 1 of that Act. Listing of endangered species is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.
NSW Scientific Committee - final determination
The Scientific Committee has found that:
1. Niemeyera chartacea (Sapotaceae) is described in Harden (1990) Flora of NSW Vol 1 as: a small tree with new growth rusty-pubescent, latex usually not obvious in twigs or petioles. Leaves more or less obovate to elliptic, mostly 5-15 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, thin, widely spaced translucent dots visible with a lens; secondary veins curved, 5-10 pairs, fine veins reticulate; petiole 5-10 mm long. Flowers sessile, clustered, often ramiflorous. Fruit globose, 1.5-3 cm diam., purple-black; 1-2 seeded, seeds rounded, scar more or less elliptic, 5-10 mm wide; ripe Nov.-Apr.
2. The species occurs in Queensland and reaches its southern limit in New South Wales. In New South Wales, it is found in subtropical rainforest and is known from only one location at Brunswick Heads.
3. There are reportedly only a small number of individuals at the known location, which is conserved within the Brunswick Heads Nature Reserve.
4. Much of the former habitat of Niemeyera chartacea has been cleared. The species is further threatened due to a small population size and possible stochastic events.
5. In view of 2, 3 and 4 above, the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Niemeyera chartacea is likely to become extinct in nature in New South Wales unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.
Proposed Gazettal date: 19/04/02
Exhibition period: 19/04/02 - 24/05/02