Funding for these projects came from the Australian Government's Emergency Response Fund.
The NSW Flood Recovery and Resilience Grant Program funded 19 projects totalling $20,841,140.
Grant recipient/local government area | Project name |
Bayside Council | Flood mitigation Baxter Road and Robey Street, Mascot Flood mitigation Hollingshed Street and Botany Lane, Mascot |
Bega Valley Shire Council | Boundary Road emergency access upgrade stage 2 intersection extension Merimbula Lake and Back Lake floodplain risk management plan investigation and design actions for Merimbula township |
Byron Shire Council | Broken Head Road – design |
Canterbury Bankstown Council | The Appian Way and North Terrace culvert Milperra drain masterplan works stage 11 part 2 – stage 2 |
Central Coast Council | Local government area-wide scoping study to prioritise voluntary house raising schemes |
Coffs Harbour City Council | North Boambee Valley detention basin |
Fairfield City Council | Drainage between basin W3 and basin C investigation and detail design |
Inner West Council | Flood mitigation designs |
Ku-ring-gai Council | Construction of box culvert at Vale Street (Gordon) |
Shellharbour City Council | Elliot Lake – Little Lake northern basin – design and construction Horsley Creek discharge control structure upstream of Oak Flats interchange |
Snowy Monaro Regional Council | Raising Cooma levee concept design and feasibility study |
The Council of Camden | Scoping study for new voluntary house raising scheme for Nepean River catchment including Narellan Creek |
Wingecarribee Shire Council | Construction of Bowral golf course detention basin |
Wollondilly Shire Council | Feasibility study for raising Menangle Street Picton to allow flood free access |
Wollongong City Council | Bellambi Gully flood mitigation scheme – stage 3 construction |
Bayside Council
Flood mitigation – Baxter Road and Robey Street, Mascot
A study to investigate the feasibility of drainage upgrade options in Mascot identified an upgrade in Baxter Road would reduce flooding in Baxter Road and Robey Street, Mascot. This project involves the construction of an extra drainage line from the low point in Baxter Road under the goods railway line to Port Botany to the top of Ascot Drain.
Flood mitigation – Hollingshed Street and Botany Lane, Mascot
Upgrades in the drainage of Botany Lane, Mascot will reduce flooding in Botany Lane, Hollingshed Street and Hardie Street, Mascot. This project involves constructing extra drainage lines from the low point in Botany Lane, Mascot, to existing drainage networks.
Bega Valley Shire Council
Boundary Road emergency access upgrade stage 2 – intersection extension
This project involves upgrading the Tathra Road intersection and completing an emergency access upgrade. It will include drainage and safety improvements to the existing road and intersection and maintaining emergency access to the South East Regional Hospital during probable maximum flood events.
Merimbula Lake and Back Lake floodplain risk management plan – investigation and design actions for Merimbula township
This project will undertake the investigation and design phase of key high and medium-priority actions identified in the Merimbula Lake and Back Lake floodplain risk management plan, including raising of Fishpen Road, Market Street Road raising, land-use planning and building controls.
Byron Shire Council
Broken Head Road – design
Broken Head Road is a key access and egress road, acting as the primary link to the south of Byron Bay. Flood modelling identified that the Broken Head Road crossing of Tallow Creek will be impassable in a flood event less than a 1 in 5-year average recurrence interval flood event. Given the importance of Broken Head Road for egress and emergency services, this project will increase the capacity of the creek crossing of Broken Head Road to provide a higher flood immunity.
Canterbury Bankstown Council
The Appian Way and North Terrace culvert
High-risk flooding occurs along the Appian Way and North Terrace, Bankstown, affecting properties and major pedestrian and vehicular thoroughfares. There is significant intensification of the area due to major commercial and transport development such as the Western Sydney University, Sydney Metro and shopping centre redevelopment. This project will upgrade the existing trunk drainage system to reduce flood risk up to the 1% annual exceedance probability.
Milperra drain masterplan works, stage 11 part 2 – stage 2
High-risk flooding occurs in the Milperra industrial area, affecting multiple properties and major roads. NSW State Emergency Services has identified the surrounding area (Ashford Avenue and Milperra Road) as flood hotspots that frequently require road closures. This project will complete the Milperra drain masterplan works and realise the full flood mitigation benefits of the scheme. This project will widen the Milperra drain downstream of the recently completed stage 1 works and up to the bridge crossing at Henry Lawson Drive (near Auld Avenue).
Central Coast Council
Local government area-wide scoping study to prioritise voluntary house raising schemes
This project will be a local government area-wide scoping study to determine the feasibility and suitability of voluntary house raising to mitigate flood risk. The scoping study will identify and prioritise individual houses based on the existing recommendations from the adopted floodplain risk management study and plans.
Coffs Harbour City Council
North Boambee Valley detention basin
The Boambee–Newports Creek floodplain risk management study and plan outlined that a detailed assessment of the North Boambee Valley detention basin was required. This project involves the construction of this basin.
Fairfield City Council
Drainage between basin W3 and basin C – investigation and detail design
This project will investigate options recommended in Three Tributaries floodplain risk management study and plan to create a design that protects Attilio Place, Smithfield Road and neighbouring properties against flooding. This project will investigate the construction of an earth bund that keeps water spilling from an upstream basin within an existing overland flow path and whether basin C capacity can be increased.
Inner West Council
Flood mitigation designs
Three locations have been identified that are high-risk and highly susceptible to localised flash and overland flooding. This project will investigate options to ensure that the proposed flood mitigation designs for these locations are feasible.
Ku-ring-gai Council
Construction of box culvert at Vale Street (Gordon)
This project will construct a box culvert spanning Vale Street, Gordon. This project aims to alleviate the high to medium flood hazard and the risk of flooding of private properties along Vale Street.
Shellharbour City Council
Elliot Lake – Little Lake northern basin – design and construction
This project involves the design, environmental approvals and construction of a detention basin in the northern part of the Elliot Lake – Little Lake catchment. Council is currently updating the flood model in this catchment to Australian rainfall and run-off (2019) methods and the basin concept designs, and hydraulic outlet configurations will be confirmed as part of this work.
Horsley Creek discharge control structure upstream of Oak Flats interchange
This project involves the construction of a discharge control structure in an area referred to as the Oak Flats Interchange, in the upper reaches of the Horsley Inlet, which drains to Lake Illawarra. The work will result in lessening flows upstream of the interchange to reduce flood flows downstream.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Raising Cooma levee concept design and feasibility study
This mitigation project consists of developing a concept design and determining the feasibility of raising the existing main Cooma Creek levee to protect against the 2% and 5% annual exceedance probability flood events. The levee is currently overtopped in the 5% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event and inundates a number of properties as well as Sharp Street and the Monaro Highway. This inundation and associated flood risk warrants investigation of the costs, benefits and feasibility of raising the levee.
The Council of Camden
Scoping study for new voluntary house raising scheme for Nepean River catchment including Narellan Creek
This project will undertake a scoping study for a proposed voluntary house raising (VHR) scheme in the Nepean River catchment, in order to prepare for future implementation. Up to 108 houses are subject to over floor flooding in 5% annual exceedance probability event in the Nepean River catchment, including Narellan Creek. This project will assess the feasibility of the proposed voluntary house raising scheme and provide a prioritised list of properties to raise.
Wingecarribee Shire Council
Construction of Bowral golf course detention basin
A detention basin will be constructed inside Bowral golf course to reduce downstream flooding impacts, mainly on Bevan Place, Moss Vale Road and Loftus Street. The project involves the construction of 3 interconnected basins with outlet structures and open channels.
Wollondilly Shire Council
Feasibility study for raising Menangle Street Picton to allow flood free access
This project will study the feasibility of an upgrade to the Menangle Street culvert and South Picton diversion bank, to assist with controlling overland flow across Menangle Street. The assessment will look at the interaction of mainstream and overland flooding together with evacuation along Menangle Street and develop a concept road and drainage design for the upgrade to provide road access for the 1% annual exceedance probability events.
Wollongong City Council
Bellambi Gully flood mitigation scheme – stage 3 construction
The Bellambi Gully flood mitigation scheme is located between Pioneer Drive, Gladstone Street and the Holy Spirit College in Bellambi. The scheme has undergone multiple stages of investigation, modelling and design to prevent and reduce flooding of local roads and approximately 40 nearby properties. These works provide significant flood benefit for the local community, including eliminating or reducing flooding of properties and reducing the frequency and scale of floodwater overtopping the road at Pioneer Drive, Ellen Street and Gladstone Street.