A NSW Government website

Major projects

The NSW Environmental Trust funds projects that tackle large or complex issues. Major projects are identified and designed through consultation with key stakeholders.

About the program

Projects funded under the Environmental Trust's major projects funding stream are designed to tackle large-scale and/or complex issues. The Trust identifies and designs these projects through consultation with key stakeholders.

The goal is to maximise environmental outcomes in New South Wales by investing in projects that are high priority, cost effective, collaborative, and designed by experts.

There are 3 major projects funding streams as below.

Ongoing major projects

These projects are ones that the Trust has historically funded on an 'ongoing' basis for an extended period. They generally address priority environmental issues identified by the Trust as being worthy of continuous funding as they remain an unfunded priority issue or relate directly to the Trust's statutory objects.

The need for ongoing funding for these projects is reviewed on a regular basis and is subject to Trust requirements to provide new business plans for approval.

More information on this funding stream

Strategic major projects

These projects represent the Trust's 'proactive' projects. Under this category, the Trust funds multi-year projects, based on the Trust's agreed priorities. Funding is guided by a biennial major projects prospectus.

More information on this funding stream

New government priorities

From time to time, the Trust has been asked to fund new priorities of government. These are generally high priority issues that address point-in-time environmental issues or complement new policy or legislative frameworks.

More information on this funding stream

Grantee guidelines

The grantee guidelines provide an overview of what to expect if you are awarded a grant from the Major Projects program, including roles and responsibilities, payments and reporting, variations and project evaluation.

Major Projects: Grantee Guidelines

Acknowledgement requirement

You must prominently acknowledge the Trust's assistance in all publications and promotional material relating to the project by using the following statement:

This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust.

You also need to use the New South Wales Government logo. See Funding acknowledgement and logos for details.

Program achievements

Learn about current major projects from the NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report.


Consistent with what we ask of grant recipients, the Trust regularly undertakes independent evaluations of its programs and projects. This helps us assess how well intended outcomes are met and how programs and projects could be improved in the future. These evaluations may also help to inform new funding programs.

Evaluations undertaken

Healthy Seeds for Resilient Restoration project evaluation

Between 2019 and 2021, the Trust provided $385,000 to the Australian Network for Plant Conservation to deliver the Healthy Seeds for Resilient Restoration project. The aim of the project was to identify the most effective and efficient interventions for improving the genetic health and reliability of the native seed sector.

In 2024, the Trust engaged Clear Horizon Consulting to evaluate the Healthy Seeds for Resilient Restoration project to assess whether and to what extent, intended program outcomes were achieved and to identify lessons for future projects.

The evaluation found that the project achieved a better understanding of effective and efficient interventions needed to improve the native seed industry, a broader agreement and co-ordination across industry and a better understanding of the governance structure of the native seed industry. Updated guidance materials were produced with the revision of the Florabank Guidelines, Healthy Seeds Roadmap and the Seed Production Area audit.

The evaluation also provided a number of recommendations to consider when undertaking similar programs in the future, such as managing industry expectations, better project design to accommodate practitioner testing and participation, and ongoing evaluation to improve effectiveness and delivery.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with responses from the Trust and the Australian Network for Plant Conservation.

Nature-Based Tourism program evaluation

In 2013, $4.8 million was awarded to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service for the Grow Sustainable Nature-Based Tourism program. The program was funded by the Waste and Environment Levy Envelope and administered by the Trust. The program had 3 broad aims:

  • growing demand: to raise the profile of nature-based experiences on offer in parks
  • improving supply: to develop new nature-based experiences at iconic destinations
  • creating the nature tourists of tomorrow: this is aimed at engaging children in nature.

In 2022, the Trust engaged the Natural Resources Commission to evaluate the Grow Sustainable Nature-Based Tourism program and assess whether and to what extent intended outcomes were achieved, and to identify lessons for future projects.

The program was delivered through 4 separate grants, 3 of which were part of this evaluation: Young Adults Brand Campaign, Commercial Tour Operators and WilderQuest Learning. The fourth project, Immersive Learning, was not included in this evaluation as it was completed in 2023, 4 years after the other projects were completed. This fourth project will be evaluated separately.

The evaluation found that each project under the program made unique and positive contributions to nature-based tourism in New South Wales.

The evaluation also provided several recommendations to consider when undertaking similar programs in the future, such as mapping out how nature-based tourism activities can contribute to environmental education outcomes during the design phase.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with responses from the Trust and National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Bushfire Relief Fund evaluation

Between 2019 and 2022, the NSW Environmental Trust provided $998,000 to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services to deliver the Bushfire Relief Fund for Wildlife Rehabilitators project. The funds were used to build capacity to rescue and rehabilitate injured and displaced wildlife affected by bushfires in response to the devastating impact of the 2019–2020 bushfire season.

In 2023, the Trust engaged ACIL Allen to evaluate the Bushfire Relief Fund for Wildlife Rehabilitators project to assess whether, and to what extent, the intended project outcomes were achieved, and to identify lessons for future projects.

The evaluation found that the project aligned with the wildlife response sectors’ urgent needs. While there were other objectives that could have been pursued, the objectives of the grant were an appropriate focus. The management and planning processes were also found to be appropriate, considering that these were conducted retrospectively because it was an emergency fund. Overall, the evaluation found that the project was delivered on budget and on time and had a positive impact on the wildlife response sector.

The evaluation provided a number of recommendations to consider when undertaking similar projects in the future, such as ensuring that:

  • grantees have strong financial management practices in place
  • funding recipients take appropriate steps in implementing grants to maximise ongoing legacy impacts during and following the grant period.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with responses from the Trust and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services:

Every Bit Counts program

In 2023, the Trust engaged First Person Consulting to evaluate the Every Bit Counts – engaging small landholders for on-ground environmental outcomes project to assess whether, and to what extent, intended program outcomes were achieved and to identify lessons for future projects.

Between 2018 and 2021, the Trust provided $2,000,000 to Greater Sydney Local Land Services to deliver the Every Bit Counts project to improve the management of small properties and lifestyle farms. The program aimed to connect managers to the best available knowledge, advice, peer-to-peer support networks and producer groups. The project was delivered across 4 Local Land Services regions: Greater Sydney, Hunter, South East and North Coast.

The evaluation found that the project delivered positive outcomes for landholders, Local Land Services and community-led network staff. The management and planning processes were appropriate, with effective communication and coordination between regions.

The evaluation also provided a number of recommendations to consider when undertaking similar programs in the future, such as building clearer and more comprehensive monitoring and reporting processes, allocating sufficient time for project scoping and tailoring project evaluation to improve the capture of data.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with responses from the Trust and Local Land Services:

Linear Reserves program

In 2022, the Trust engaged the Natural Resources Commission to evaluate the Linear Reserves Program to assess whether and to what extent, intended program outcomes were achieved and to identify lessons for future projects.

Between 2016 and 2020, the Trust funded the Linear Reserves Program (the Program) to improve the management of the conservation values of linear reserves. The Program consisted of 2 separately funded projects:

  • The $4.75 million Managing Travelling Stock Reserves for Sustainable Conservation Outcomes project, delivered by Local Land Services, in partnership with the former Office of Environment and Heritage (now Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water).
  • The $2.08 million Council Roadside Reserves project, delivered by Local Government NSW.

The evaluation found that both projects have made a positive contribution to larger and longer-term efforts to enhance the management of linear reserves.

The evaluation also provided recommendations to consider when undertaking similar programs in the future, such as the need to manage risks from high staff turnover along with integrating a more strategic focus into site assessments and future planning beyond the life of the project.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with responses from the Trust, Local Land Services and Local Government NSW:

Protection of koalas in Murrah Flora Reserves

In 2021, the Trust engaged the Natural Resources Commission to evaluate the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales' project Protection of koalas in Murrah Flora Reserves. Between 2016 and 2019, the Trust provided $2,503,546 to the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales to secure long-term protection of native flora, important koala habitat and Aboriginal cultural heritage within 3 state forests on the NSW far south coast. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service were a key project partner.

The evaluation found that the project delivered the expected outcomes, and no recommendations were made to Forestry Corporation of New South Wales. However, certain risks have been identified, and recommendations made to manage these risks for similar Trust investments.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with a joint response from the Trust administration and National Parks and Wildlife Service. Forestry Corporation of New South Wales was satisfied with the evaluation report and is not required to respond to the recommendations:

Research Review and Recommendations for Management of Bell-Miner Associated Dieback in New South Wales

In 2018, the Trust engaged Gingra Ecological Surveys to evaluate the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s project Research Review and Recommendations for Effective, Whole of Government Management of Bell-Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) in New South Wales. Between 2016 and 2017, the Trust provided $105,000 to the department to conduct a systematic review of scientific knowledge on Bell-Miner Associated Dieback, increasing understanding of its scale, effects and management strategies for intervention.

The evaluation found that the project was effective in furthering the science surrounding Bell-Miner Associated Dieback and identified issues that may affect future work on the topic.

A copy of the evaluation report can be found below, along with the response from the Trust and the department:

Treated Timber Initiative

The Trust engaged Aegis to evaluate the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA) Treated Timber Initiative project. Between 2014 and 2016, the Trust provided $330,000 to the EPA to fund a community awareness campaign about the risks, appropriate use, management and disposal of timber treated with Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA).

The evaluation found that the program experienced a range of risks which reduced its capacity to effectively and efficiently achieve its intended outputs and outcomes.

Read a copy of the evaluation report (PDF 824KB), along with the response from the Trust (PDF 197KB) and EPA (PDF 159KB).

Green Corridors: Linking Landscapes

In 2017–18, the Trust engaged the Natural Resources Commission to evaluate the former Office of Environment and Heritage’s (OEH) Linking Landscapes through Local Action Program, which was part of the $40 million Green Corridors Program. The Trust provided OEH with a $10,170,680 million grant over four years between 2012-2016.

Overall, the evaluation found the Program demonstrated the potential long-term effectiveness of BioBanking for achieving conservation outcomes on council-owned reserves. However, it also raised some concerns around cost-effectiveness and non-delivery of key outcomes.

The evaluation report and responses from the Trust and OEH are available on the NRC website.

Roadside Vegetation Implementation Project

The Trust engaged the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) to undertake an evaluation of Stages 1 and 2 of the Roadside Vegetation Implementation Project. The Trust provided approximately $2.35 million in funding in 2 stages between 2011 and 2014. The evaluation assessed the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of the project. We have accepted, wholly or partially, all the recommendations.

The NRC also provided advice on investment priorities for a possible third stage of the project. The reports and our response are available on the NRC website.

Contaminated Land Management Evaluation

The NRC evaluated the NSW Environment Protection Authority's (EPA's) Contaminated Land Management (CLM) Program. The Trust has provided $13.1 million in funding to the program since 2001. In May 2017, the NRC found a demonstrable need for funding for CLM, but recommended that the Trust re-evaluate if and how it should continue to invest in CLM. The report and responses from the Trust and EPA are available on the NRC website.

Land Acquisition Program Evaluation

Since 2000, the Trust has provided $91.5 million to the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to purchase private land for management under the national parks estate in perpetuity, meeting object 7(d) under the Environmental Trust Act 1998.

Guided by a rolling 5-year Business Plan, the program aims to protect various habitats, flora, fauna and places of cultural importance through the purchase of high conservation value land, ensuring the connectivity of fragmented reserves, meeting state and federal conservation goals.

An independent evaluation was undertaken by Aegis to ascertain whether the program was meeting intended outcomes and deliverables and to identify any risks to the program.

The evaluation undertaken by Aegis found that the project objectives were achieved. It also recommended that the Trust continue to fund the program as the mechanism to fulfil its statutory object and that NPWS continue to manage the program following the Reserve Establishment Guidelines.

The evaluations also recommended the Trust consider increasing funding to reflect the estimated average annual increases in NSW rural land prices and for funding to be more consistent with the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

As recommended, the Trust has continued the program and increased annual funding to $10 million for the next 4 years. Key priority acquisition themes are protecting koala habitat, connectivity conservation and efficient management of parks.

The report is available on the Aegis website (PDF 703KB).

Sustainability Programs Evaluation

Since 2013, the Trust has provided $12 million over 3 years to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to fund a Sustainability Program. The program aimed to increase the capacity of business, NSW Government, local government, consumers and communities to contribute to the 2 core program goals: removing market barriers to resources efficiency and clean energy, and strengthening location-based environmental management and resilience to climate change.

In December 2015, the Trust approved the transfer of funding for the program to the department as the program was more aligned to its core business.

A mid-term independent evaluation was conducted in September 2016. The evaluation undertaken by Aegis found that ambiguity in the objectives posed risks to the project. It was recommended the program refine objectives, target mid- and long-term outcomes, undertake regular performance reviews, and increase consistency with recommendations from the Productivity Commission on government service delivery.

Contact us

Environmental Trust

Phone: 02 8837 6093

Email: [email protected]