A NSW Government website

Threatened species registers

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water maintains public registers that contain information about threatened species habitat and licences.


Public registers that list information about threatened species habitat and actions that involve or impact threatened species are required by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.


Register of declared areas of outstanding biodiversity value

This register contains maps and information on habitat critical to the survival of specific threatened species. Go to the Register of declared areas of outstanding biodiversity value.

Register of threatened species licences

This register provides details about licences granted for actions that may impact threatened species. Go to the Register of threatened species licences.

Register of biodiversity certification orders

This register provides details on the areas subject to biodiversity certification. Go to the Register of biodiversity certification orders.

Register of biodiversity conservation strategies

This register is provided by the Saving our Species database. This register gives details of biodiversity conservation strategies included in the Biodiversity Conservation Program in relation to each threatened species or ecological community listed in the schedules of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

Go to the Register of biodiversity conservation strategies.

Register archives 

Register of section 91 licences 

Go to the Register of section 91 licences.

BioBanking public register

This register contains details of agreements established and transactions involved in ‘banking’ biodiversity offsets and credits. Go to the BioBanking Public Register.