Conservation Assessment of Wetlands in the Clarence Lowlands IBRA Subregion
The objective of the project was to undertake a conservation assessment of wetlands in the Clarence Lowlands IBRA subregion in order to make recommendations for their management and protection that may contribute to improving the comprehensiveness, adequacy and representativeness of the National Reserve System (NRS).
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74232-017-5
ID: DECC20080564
File: PDF 2.79 MB / Pages 113
Name: conservation-assessment-of-wetlands-in-the-clarence-lowlands-ibra-report-080564.pdf
The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) were engaged to complete this project, which included a desktop conservation assessment and expert panel workshop to identify priority wetland areas and to direct the future development of the NRS.
This report was prepared by Eco Logical Australia, in collaboration with DECC, and provides findings from an assessment of the conservation values and threats to 19 wetland complexes (clusters). These wetland clusters represent a significant proportion of the remaining high conservation value aquatic ecosystems in the Clarence Lowlands.