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Managing parks prior to a plan of management policy

This policy provides guidelines for the management of a reserve that does not yet have a plan of management.


The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act) requires that a plan of management be prepared for a park as soon as practicable after the park is reserved. A plan of management indicates how a park will be conserved, used, developed and managed.

If a park does not yet have a plan of management, a statement of management intent may be prepared to guide its management.


  1. Parks without an adopted plan of management will be managed consistent with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act) and other relevant legislation, existing park management policies (including this policy), and other relevant manuals, procedures and guidelines.
  2. A statement of management intent outlines the key values, threats and management directions for the reserve and describes the management intent for the reserve in the period prior to a plan of management being adopted. A statement of management intent is not a replacement for an adopted plan of management. Management activities outside the provisions of this policy may be carried out with approval from the relevant NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) branch director.
  3. A statement of management intent cannot authorise activities inconsistent with the objects and management principles of the NPW Act, or other legislative requirements. A statement of management intent is not required to carry out activities that ensure health and safety, protect the environment or maintain existing assets at current standards.
  4. If a statement of interim management intent has already been prepared for a reserve, it will be considered in drafting the statement of management intent for the park.
  5. All statements of management intent will be published on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.
6. Environmental assessment
  1. Any activities proposed by a statement of management intent will be subject to:
7–8. Conserving natural heritage
  1. NPWS should not undertake activities if they would be detrimental to:
    • native animal communities
    • significant plant communities
    • important geological features
    • any other significant items of natural heritage.
  2. NPWS may implement environmental repair and threat-management programs, consistent with relevant NPWS policies and procedures, such as:
    • erosion-control programs
    • bush-regeneration programs
    • weed and pest-animal control programs
    • activities arising from threatened-species recovery plans and priority action statements.
9–10. Protecting cultural heritage
  1. NPWS should not, unless a conservation assessment or plan has been approved, disturb, remove, destroy or otherwise interfere with:

    • historic buildings
    • historic plantings (such as orchards or gardens)
    • landscape features (such as terracing or dams)
    • moveable objects relating to a place (including garbage dumps)
    • Aboriginal or archaeological sites.

    NPWS should seek any approvals required under section 90 of the NPW Act or the Heritage Act 1977.

  2. NPWS may undertake non-intrusive works if they are necessary to protect cultural heritage items from further deterioration or to ensure the safety and protection of visitors or wildlife.
11–13. Fire management
  1. NPWS should carry out essential fire management operations to fulfil obligations to protect neighbours and park assets (including natural and cultural resources) from the threat of fire.
  2. Small-scale prescribed burns and small-scale mechanical clearing should be undertaken where necessary.
  3. Broad-scale burning should only be undertaken where it is in accordance with an adopted fire management strategy for the reserve.
14–17. Existing interests
  1. Activities that are not permissible under the NPW Act should be discontinued in the park unless they are existing interests that are subject to pre-existing legal arrangements (see sections 39 and 47H of the NPW Act). Examples of an existing interest are a current lease, licence, concession or permit that was obtained from the previous land manager. Any renewals of such interests must take NPWS policies into account.
  2. No new leases are to be issued until a plan of management is adopted. Existing leases for permissible activities may be extended.
  3. Short-term licences may be issued for existing interests under sections 39 and 47H of the NPW Act provided that they are permissible under the NPW Act.
  4. Apiary licences should be managed in accordance with the Beekeeping Policy.
18–20. Assets of intergenerational significance
  1. NPWS must prepare a conservation action plan for an environmental or cultural asset of intergenerational significance declared under section 188H of the NPW Act. Clauses 78A78J of the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2019 guide how assets of intergenerational significance are managed and protected.
  2. A conservation action plan must identify:
    • the environmental and cultural values of the declared land
    • the risks to those values
    • the activities for managing those risks and values
    • how the land's health and condition will be measured and reported on
    • how the plan will be implemented.
  3. In an emergency NPWS may carry out actions to protect land declared as an asset of intergenerational significance, regardless of whether a conservation action plan has been adopted. That includes protecting the land and the asset from the impacts of bushfires. 'Emergency' has the same meaning as in section 4 of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989.
21–24. Other management operations
  1. NPWS may install fencing along the boundaries of the park in accordance with the Boundary Fencing Policy.
  2. NPWS may install park name, regulatory and warning signs in accordance with the Park Signage Manual (internal document available to staff).
  3. NPWS should not construct new structures such as workshops, offices, toilet blocks, radio towers, power lines, telecommunication lines and water mains. Unless works are already permitted under an existing lease or licence, NPWS should not extend existing structures or services except for where the work is essential for:
    • public health and safety
    • the health and safety of staff
    • controlling pollution.
  4. Existing service lines (for example, for water and electricity) may be upgraded and/or the lines cleared only where this is essential for management or the upgrading is permitted under an existing lease or licence. Upgrading and/or clearing must not affect cultural sites or places.
25. Risk management
  1. NPWS should assess and manage risks to visitor safety in accordance with the Visitor Safety Policy.
26–28. Pedestrian and vehicle track management
  1. NPWS should not construct new tracks, trails or roads except in emergencies. If constructed, they should be rehabilitated as soon as possible following the emergency.
  2. NPWS does not need to maintain tracks and trails that are considered unnecessary for managing the reserve or public access. NPWS staff should seek approval (via a statement of management intent or from the appropriate branch director) to gate or close vehicle trails where access is damaging the reserve, or if a trail poses a risk to public safety.
  3. NPWS should maintain at current standards any tracks, trails, roads, bridges and lookouts that are to be retained. If upgrading is considered essential for public safety or fire management purposes, this must be included in a statement of management intent or approved by a branch director.
29–31. Visitor facilities
  1. NPWS should maintain at current standards existing visitor facilities that are to be retained, unless modifications are required to maintain health and safety or prevent pollution. A risk assessment of existing facilities should be undertaken in accordance with the Visitor Safety Policy.
  2. NPWS can construct new visitor facilities only in accordance with an approved statement of management intent or with approval from a branch director.
  3. NPWS may close existing visitor facilities if there is evidence that these facilities are causing unacceptable environmental impacts, dangers to public health and safety, or pollution risks. A branch director can approve a closure on the grounds of significant impact or risk. Other closures should be included in a statement of management intent.
32–33. Research and planning
  1. Non-destructive research may be conducted into the natural and cultural values of the park. Examples of such research are:
    • studies related to fire management
    • vegetation mapping
    • fauna surveys
    • cultural heritage surveys.
  2. A plan of management should be prepared as soon as practicable. A statement of management intent should not be prepared as a substitute for a plan of management. Any research and planning carried out in preparing a statement of management intent should be used to inform the plan of management. NPWS may carry out research and develop other plans for the reserve, such as:
    • species recovery plans
    • fire management strategies
    • pest species control plans
    • conservation plans
    • visitor surveys
    • preliminary site plans.
34. Communication and consultation
  1. If any existing management operations are to be changed, NPWS must communicate with and consult neighbours and the relevant regional advisory committee. If major changes are proposed, a communications plan should be prepared by the NPWS Visitor Experience Branch.
About the policy

Policy adopted January 2001
Policy last updated December 2021

Scope and application

This policy applies to all lands acquired or reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act) except for lands reserved under Part 4A of the Act (unless the Board of Management for those lands has adopted the policy). However, NPWS staff can use the policy as guidance in their dealings with Boards of Management.


Asset of intergenerational significance means land declared as an environmental or cultural asset of intergenerational significance under section 188H of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

Conservation action plan means a plan approved by the Secretary of Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for an asset of intergenerational significance declared under section 188H of the NPW Act, and prepared consistent with clauses 78C-78H of the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2019.

Conservation risk assessment means the assessment of environmental impacts conducted when no review of environmental factors or environmental impact statement is required.

Environmental impact statement means an assessment of significant environmental impacts under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Plan of management means a plan of management in relation to land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 that is prepared under section 72 of the Act.

Review of environmental factors means an assessment of environmental impacts under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Statement of interim management intent means a statement which may have been prepared as an interim park management plan before a statement of management intent or plan of management was developed.

Statement of management intent means a statement which outlines management directions for a reserve prior to a plan of management being adopted.

Visitor facilities means facilities provided specifically for visitors to a park. They do not include:

  • major infrastructure, including buildings (depots and accommodation), roads, airfields and helipads
  • minor infrastructure not used by visitors, such as staff car parks, dams, weirs, bore heads and pumps
  • signs.


This section outlines NPWS staff with significant responsibilities for ensuring implementation of the policy.

ParagraphPosition accountable
2. Permission for management activities outside this policyDirector
27. Approval to close vehicle trailsDirector
28. Permission to upgrade trailsDirector
30. Approval to construct new facilitiesDirector
31. Approval to close existing facilitiesDirector