A NSW Government website

Broulee Island Nature Reserve Plan of Management

Broulee Island Nature Reserve is located on the South Coast of NSW adjacent to the seaside village of Broulee and covers the entire 43 hectares of Broulee Island to mean high water mark. A tombolo currently connects Broulee Island to the mainland at Broulee Head.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 1-74122-313X / ID: DECC20080663
File: PDF 189.8 KB / Pages 22
Name: broulee-island-nature-reserve-plan-of-management-080663.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

Broulee Island Nature Reserve contains a vegetation succession from mangroves on the shoreline rock platforms to an open forest dominated by southern mahogany on the plateau. Pockets of rainforest species occur in protected areas.

The plant and animal resources of the island and adjoining land and waters were utilised by Aboriginal people. To Europeans, the relatively sheltered anchorage afforded by Broulee Bay triggered the establishment of a short-lived settlement on the island. Later shell grit was collected from the northern side of the island and shipped to Sydney for use in cement production. Evidence of these past uses includes Aboriginal middens, ground disturbance marking the site of the island’s hotel, a grave and the remains of a jetty.