Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Calculator user guide
The Biodiversity Assessment Method Calculator (BAM Calculator) is an online interactive view of the Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM). The BAM Calculator follows the rules and calculations outlined in the BAM, and assists the user in applying the BAM at a site and generating an outcome.
Users can apply the BAM and use the BAM Calculator to assess development proposals and estimate credit generation at biodiversity stewardship sites. These proposals can be based on survey data collected using the BAM field survey methods or on estimated data.
The BAM Calculator contains all biodiversity data for New South Wales that is available in BioNet, the department's repository for biodiversity data products. The BAM Calculator has biodiversity data from all IBRA regions, all plant community types (PCT) and all ecosystem credit species and species credit species.
First published in December 2018; reprinted March 2024 with amendments.