A NSW Government website

Koonadan Historic Site Plan of Management

Koonadan Historic Site is located 9 kilometres north-west of Leeton in the Riverina area of southern NSW. It is of high cultural value to the Aboriginal community and has a complex of pre-European contact and more recent Aboriginal sites, notably burials.
Publisher: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73100-8553 / ID: NPWS19960129
File: PDF 38.11 KB / Pages 15
Name: koonadan-historic-site-plan-of-management-960129.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

The area will be managed to protect its cultural significance and provide opportunities for educational and appropriate recreational use. Interpretive signs and picnicking facilities have been provided.

Progressive planting of native tree and shrub species is being carried out to establish a vegetation cover over the site similar to that which existed when the area was used for hunting and food gathering by Aboriginal people.

The local Aboriginal community will be actively actively encouraged to become involved in management of the area.