A NSW Government website

Help save our threatened species

Nearly 1,000 native plants and animals are facing extinction in New South Wales. But it’s not too late to do something and make a difference: join the movement to save our one-of-a-kind species.


If, like us, you want to help conserve our unique plants and animals for generations to come, there are a few ways to support us and be part of Saving our Species.

Join the movement

Volunteers are integral to the success of our program – here’s how you can get involved:

Become a Saving our Species partner

Through collaboration we can achieve a greater impact and deliver tangible and long-lasting results for more threatened plants and animals in New South Wales.

Find out how organisations, investors and philanthropists can get involved.

Report a sighting

If you've spotted a threatened animal or plant in New South Wales, reporting the sighting can help us better understand and manage the species:

Stay in touch

Receive news from the Saving our Species team and learn how you can continue to make a difference:

Contact us

Saving our Species Program

Email: [email protected]