A NSW Government website

The NSW State Vegetation Type Map: Methodology for a regional-scale map of NSW plant community types

A description of the mapping method Version 3

This document describes the methodology for a regional scale map of plant community types for New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The methods were developed and applied by the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to create a unified State Vegetation Type Map (SVTM).
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76039-729-6 / ID: OEH20170134
File: PDF 869.91 KB / Pages 21
Name: nsw-state-vegetation-type-map-methodology-170134.pdf
Tags: Native vegetationAnimals and plants

Regional scale vegetation mapping supports government, industry and the community with information for conservation and investment. Applications include fire management, conservation planning, connectivity studies, water management, and condition assessment.

SVTM uses the best available aerial (ADS–40/80) and satellite imagery (SPOT 5, SRTM, Landsat) and a collection of environmental variables. Several thousand new vegetation survey records have been collected and added to NSW Vegetation Information System (VIS).