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Glycine clandestina (broad leaf form) population in Nambucca Local Government Area - endangered population listing

16 Mar 2001

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the population of Glycine clandestina (broad leaf form) (R. Pullen 13342) in Nambucca Local Government Area as an ENDANGERED POPULATION on Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Act. Listing of endangered populations is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.

This population was referred to as Glycine sp. "Scotts Head" (R. Pullen 13342) in the Scientific Committee's Preliminary Determination. The Committee has decided that Glycine clandestina (broad leaf form) is a more appropriate name for this variant.

NSW Scientific Committee - final determination

The Scientific Committee has found that:

1. A distinctive population of the legume Glycine clandestina Wendl. occurs in coastal grassland at Scotts Head in the Nambucca Local Government Area. The form differs from the more widespread local form of Glycine clandestina in possessing broadly elliptical, instead of linear narrowly lanceolate, leaflets which have a dense clothing of white hairs on the subaxial surface. This form breeds true and is genetically distinct although within the broad variation of the Glycine clandestina complex.

2. This form has not been found elsewhere on the North Coast.

3. The coastal grassland habitat at Scotts Head has been reduced in extent by past development and is at risk of invasion by Chrysanthemoides monilifera (bitou bush) and from further development.

4. The Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the population of Glycine clandestina (broad leaf form) (R. Pullen 13342) in the Nambucca Local Government Area is eligible to be listed as an Endangered Population because its habitat has been so drastically reduced that it is in immediate danger of extinction and, it is not a population of a species already listed in Schedule 1 and, it is or is likely to be genetically distinct.

Proposed Gazettal date: 16/03/01
Exhibition period: 16/03/01 - 20/04/01

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