Githabul Indigenous Land Use Agreement
The Githabul Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) recognises native title rights of the Githabul people. It is a joint management arrangement that covers over 112,000 hectares of national parks and state forests in the Kyogle, Woodenbong and Tenterfield areas in north-east New South Wales.
The ILUA established the Githabul National Parks Management Committee to advise the Office of Environment and Heritage/National Parks and Wildlife Service on management of the parks. It covers 11 national parks and reserves, an Aboriginal place, a number of state forests and a stock reserve that include:
- Border Ranges National Park, Captains Creek Nature Reserve, Koreelah National Park, Mount Clunie National Park, Mount Nothofagus National Park, North Obelisk Nature Reserve, Richmond Range National Park, Tooloom National Park, Toonumbar National Park, and Yabbra National Park
- Tooloom Falls Aboriginal Place, which was a Crown reserve managed by Tenterfield Shire Council and in recognition of its cultural significance to the Githabul people is now reserved as an Aboriginal Area under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
- Bald Knob State Forest, Beaury State Forest, Bookookoorara State Forest, Donaldson State Forest, Edinburgh Castle State Forest, Koreelah State Forest, Mount Lindesay State Forest, Richmond Range State Forest, South Toonumbar State Forest, Toonumbar State Conservation Area, Toonumbar State Forest, Unumgar State Forest, Woodenbong State Forest and Yabbra State Forest
- Dairy Flat Travelling Stock Reserve, by agreement with the Casino Rural Lands Protection Board.
Date agreement was signed: February 2007
Githabul Indigenous Land Use Agreement (PDF 255KB). Please note this is not the full version of the ILUA. It only includes sections relevant to OEH: Schedules A, B, G, H, I, P, Q and S.