A NSW Government website

Declaration of critical habitat for the Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis)

The Wollemi Pine is a relict species currently known to occur in only one population in Wollemi National Park on the Central Tablelands of New South Wales in south eastern Australia. This population occurs in deep sandstone gorge formations. The gorge walls are composed of Triassic sandstones from the Narrabeen Group.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74122-362-0 / ID: DEC20060617
File: PDF 1.57 MB / Pages 25
Name: critical-habitat-declaration-wollemi-pine-060617.pdf
Tags: Threatened speciesBiodiversity

The Wollemi Pine occurs in the warm temperate rainforest and rainforest margins in a Eucalyptus spp. forest/woodland complex within the Sydney Sandstone Biome of the eastern coast and tablelands of New South Wales (Floyd 1984).

This warm temperate rainforest habitat is dominated by coachwood Ceratopetalum apetalum and sassafras  Doryphora sassafras. Most individuals of the Wollemi Pine are associated with gorges and occur on large ledges or are inserted in crevices in the cliffs.


Help save the Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis)This conservation project aims to secure the Wollemi Pine in the wild in NSW for 100 years, engage local communities in its conservation, and encourage the NSW community to identify with it as a flagship for threatened species conservation.